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SkyCiv Structural 3D

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  2. SkyCiv Structural 3D
  3. Solving
  4. List of Solver Errors and Warnings

List of Solver Errors and Warnings

Below are a list of error codes and their possible causes. These errors will display in our FEA software when a user attempts to solve an unsolvable structure. Below is a table displaying the possible causes and solutions to such issues:

Error Code Message Possible Issues Possible Solutions
1 Timed Out – Server Unavailable.
  • Internet disconnected or dropped out
  • Issues connecting to SkyCiv server.
2 Timed Out – Solution took too long.
  • There is a disconnected member or node, causing the solver to fail
  • Model is too large for solver (typically > 20,000 members or > 10,000 plates)
  • Increase the solver timeout in Settings > Solve > Solver Timeout
  • Run Repair Model (Advanced > Model Repair) to locate model issues
  • Delete parts of the model and resolve to try and locate the source of the error
  • Open Datasheet for each element, and review the input for any missing/incorrect data
  • Reduce the size of your model and try to solve it again
  • Contact [email protected] if the problem persists
3 Server Error
  • Issues connecting to SkyCiv server.
101 Unauthorized Access
  • There was an issue with authorization or access
102 Please add a member
  • There are no members
103 Please add a load
  • There are no loads (forces) applied to the structure
104 Please add a support
  • There are no supports to restrain your model
105 Please add a section
  • No Section has been defined for a member
106 – 109, 116, 117 (*Attribute Name*) of Section ## cannot be zero
  • Missing data for Section Properties
  • Old Data
  • Open the Section in question and review the input, looking for missing data, 0, or incorrect input
  • Delete the Section in question and re-enter and resubmit the data
110 Structure is not constrained
  • The structure is not static
  • The structure is unrestrained in one or more degrees of freedom
  • Insufficient supports or fixities within supports
  • Add more supports and see if the structure solves. If it does, it is possible there are not enough supports to constrain the model, and it is not static.
  • Change your supports to all Fixed (FFFFFF) and see if the structure solves. If it does, it is possible there are insufficient Fixed (‘F’) degrees of freedom (add more F’s)
111 Please remove disconnected Node # x
  • Node number x is floating and not connected to anything
  • Connect a plate or member to the node – Remove the node
112 Please remove disconnected Element (Member) # x
  • Element number x is floating and not connected to the rest of your structure
  • Connect element to the rest of your structure via a node
  • Remove the element
113 Structure is not constrained
  • The structure is completely unrestrained in some translational direction (X, Y or Z)
114, 115, 118 Solve Error
  • There was an issue during solving. Could be an issue with the model or input
  • Run Repair Model (Advanced > Model Repair) to locate model issues
  • Check for any disconnected nodes, elements or plates. Inspect to ensure your entire model is connected by nodes.
  • If your model has multiple plates, try troubleshooting by meshing all your plates at once to ensure proper connectivity.
  • Delete parts of the model and resolve to try and locate source of error
  • Open Datasheet for each element, and review the input for any missing/incorrect data
  • Watch the below video for 6 Tips to troubleshooting your model
119 Truss Structure not Stable
(SkyCiv Truss only)
  • The model is likely an unstable truss structure
149 Plate has a meshed are that is significantly different from its area. Please check the mesh of this plate.
  • Bad quality mesh leading to meshed area being significantly different to the actual plate area.
  • Unmesh and remesh plate.
  • Check mesh quality (Go to Edit > Plates > Mesh Info > Analyze Mesh Quality).
181 Member ID cannot be used for a support since it is the slave node (Node B) of the rigid link.
  • Support connected to a slave node of a rigid link/diaphragm
  • Rigid Diaphragms create dummy rigid links, so if you can’t find that particular rigid link member in your model, this is probably why
  • Flip the direction of your rigid link member, so the master node is connected to the support
  • Change the rigid link member to a regular normal/continuous member
  • Remove any offsets of members connected to supports
  • Help Video
182  Node #ID is the master node (Node A) of Member #ID rigid link and cannot be used as the slave node (Node B) of another rigid link member.
  • Two rigid members connected to another
  • Replace one of the rigid members with a normal or continuous member
  • Help Video
183 Node #ID is the slave node of Member #ID but it is already used as a slave in another rigid link member. A slave node cannot be constrained to more than one master node.
  • Two rigid links with a common slave node
  • Rigid Diaphragms create dummy rigid links, so if you can’t find that particular rigid link member in your model, this is probably why
  • Try change the direction of the member (switching the slave node -> master node)
  • Try remove any offsets on the member if they exist
  • If you have connected rigid diaphragms, merge the plates into a single plate
  • Help Video
300, 301 Non-Linear Static Analysis failed to converge
  • The structure may not be stable, with insufficient restraints or supports
  • The structure could be buckling
  • If cables exist in the model: Cables may cause the model to not converge
  • Increase convergence tolerance in Settings > Solve > Convergence Tolerance – Add more supports to your structure
  • Try to run a Linear Static + Buckling Analysis and check whether structure is buckling
  • Increase the size of the sections to determine whether structure is buckling
  • Try turn on Advanced -> Solver -> Auto-Stabilize in your settings
  • If cables exist in the model: Try these cable tips to get your model to solve.
302 Buckling Analysis failed to run
  • The structure may not be stable, with insufficient restraints or supports
  • Try add more restraint to your model (change member end fixities to FFFFFF)
303 Dynamic Frequency Analysis failed to run
  • The structure may not be stable
  • Try turn on Advanced -> Solver -> Auto-Stabilize in your settings
304, 305 Response Spectrum Analysis failed to run
  • The structure may not be stable or the dynamic frequency analysis may have failed, which makes the response spectrum analysis impossible to complete.

List of Warnings

Below are a list of warning messages that may not cause the solver to error, but could be adjustments or comments from the solving process:

Message Details
Continuous Member x has a problem with straightness as its internal members are using different local axes. Please check the nodes along this member form a straight line


Load Combo y: Member(s) x were removed from the model during the tension/compression only analysis over 1 iterations. This is a warning regarding the iterative analysis when the model contains tension or compression members. The iterative analysis will remove compression members that are in tension (and vice versa). It will resolve, however in each iteration it checks if removed tension-members may have possibly reversed back to tension and compression-members have reversed back to compression. If the member gets removed and re-added from the model too many times (i.e. it reversed too much) then it just gets permanently removed as it’s deemed problematic for the iterative analysis to complete.
Node x has been removed from the model because it is not used in any members or plates. Solver detected an unused node and removed it during the analysis process
Support #x for Node #y was ignored because the node was unused or does not exist. Solver detected an unused support and removed it during the analysis process
Load Combo #x: 1 iterations and y% convergence error During a non-linear analysis the results will try to converge to a certain percentage (this can be adjusted in the software settings). This message is just notifying the user of that convergence error.
Continous Member # is connecting to a node outside it’s real span Member has x-offsets and because it’s a continuous member, it’s connecting to nodes that aren’t on its real span. Continuous members will pick up and automatically connect to intermediate nodes. In this case the intermediate node lies between the offset member’s end and the member’s end node

6 Tricks or Tips to try troubleshooting your Structural Model

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