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  4. Two-storey Structure

Two-storey Structure


The purpose of this test case is to validate some of the analysis of a typical structure with both concrete and steel elements, specifically:

  • Deflection
  • Forces/Moments
  • Linear Analysis

The Structural 3D results were compared against a third-party analysis software.

Model Setup

The structure is a 75-node, 143-member frame structure supported by pinned supports. The building consists of rectangular concrete sections and trusses comprised of L-3x3x1/4 sections.

Evaluation points: 10
Solve Type: Linear Analysis

Two-storey structure

Analysis Results

Result Location SkyCiv Third-Party Difference
Moment Z Member 6, End Node -23.14527 kN-m -23.12560 kN-m -0.08506%
Moment Y Member 113, Start Node -3.49773 kN-m -3.49770 kN-m -0.000858%
Shear Y Member 41, End Node -19.33509 kN -19.33526 kN 0.00088%
Shear Z Member 120, Start Node -2.02810 kN -2.02741 kN 0.03403%
Reaction Y Node 9 125.21598 kN 125.79432 kN -0.45975%
Reaction Y Node 32 102.17532 kN 102.17130 kN 0.00393%
Deflection X Node 39 0.12077 mm 0.12125 mm -0.39588%
Deflection Y Node 42 -0.50116 mm -0.50114 mm 0.00399%
Rotation Z Node 61 0.00483 rad 0.00483 rad 0.00000%
Rotation X Node 14 0.00273 rad 0.00274 0.36496%

Result Screenshots

Two-storey structure result 6
Showing moment result about the Z-axis for member 6

Two-storey structure reactions
Showing reaction results along the Y-axis

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