Displaying the results of your plates analysis
SkyCiv’s powerful FEM solver supports the analysis of plate and shell (2D) elements. SkyCiv supports Mindlin quadrilateral shell elements suitable for thick/thin plate analysis. This includes the calculation of internal member forces (membrane forces, moments, and shear forces), deflection, and stresses such as Von Mises and Major/Minor Principle stresses. For the full list please see below.
The plate results which can be selected from the dropdown include:
- Membrane Force X
- Membrane Force Y
- Membrane Force XY
- Shear Force XZ
- Shear Force YZ
- Moment X
- Moment Y
- Moment XY
- Displacement X
- Displacement Y
- Displacement Z
- Displacement Sum
- Direct Stress X
- Direct Stress Y
- Shear Stress XY
- Shear Stress XZ
- Shear Stress YZ
- Von Mises Stress
- Max Shear Stress (Tresca)
- Major Principal Stress
- Minor Principal Stress
Visibility Settings
A number of options are included for the visibility of plates, including:
- Deflection – show deflected or undeformed shape
- Mesh – toggle mesh lines on/off
- Show Original Outline – toggle visibility of original plat outline
- Element Results (display a single color result per mesh – shown below)
- Use S + Mouse Scroll to scale and animate the deflection
- Note: Results are visible in both rendering and wireframe
Element Results

Our plate analysis software has gone through extensive testing and verification checks. We have sample verification plate analysis models that compare the results of our structural analysis plates in comparison to benchmarked third-party software. For more information on our QA processes, please check our Quality Assurance at SkyCiv page.