Welds are one type of fixture that can be used to fix your connection to your member. Welds first have to be specified, before they can be referenced in the parent fixture or child fixture sections. Once they are defined, they are referenced by their ID.
Clicking the ‘Welds’ button will bring up the summary table to define your welds. You are able to define as many welds as you wish, and reference them by their ‘Fixture ID’. The table summarises all the welds you have defined. You are able to add new welds with the ‘Add’ button, edit a weld with the icon in the ‘Edit’ column, delete a weld with the icon in the ‘Delete’ column, and delete all your welds with the ‘Delete All’ button.

Add Weld
Adding a weld will create a new weld with some default properties.
Edit Weld
Editing a weld open up the UI to edit the properties of the individual weld.
- Fixture ID: The reference for the fixture. Use it in the connection UI, in the parent fixture or child fixture section.
- Category: The weld category. Currently only ‘fillet’ is supported.
- Grade: Weld Grade. Options include E60XX, E70XX, E80XX, E90XX, E100XX, E110XX
- Size: Weld size, as shown on the diagram.
- Fw / Fexx: Weld strength or electrode strength. See Table 8-3 on Electrode Strength Coefficient.

Additional Resources
For more information on welds try our free welding strength calculator.