Vertical Stiffeners
Vertical stiffeners are defined by the spaces between them (SL), starting from the left edge of a beam. You can manage stiffener width (B), thickness (t), top and bottom gaps (CT, CB), and side of the web on which the stiffeners are attached (Left, Right, Both sides)
Examples cases of vertical stiffeners input
Stiffener can be added by mouse click at the web
The beam length can be fixed while the user updates the space between stiffeners. The updated space forces to updating the neighboring spaces
Longitudinal Stiffeners
Longitudinal (or horizontal) stiffeners, or inclined, are defined by the starting point position (SL) from the left edge and ending point position by length (L) from the starting point. He points vertical positions are managed by shifting of the points (ST1, ST2) from web edges or reference axis. All other settings are similar to vertical stiffeners input.
Examples cases of longitudinal stiffeners input
Stiffener can be added by mouse clicks for ending points