The main purpose of the Section Builder is to calculate the various section properties of your section. The standard results refer to the results of a section when ignoring material property differences.

- Γεωμετρικές Ιδιότητες
- Περιοχή
- Centroid (ΜΕ)
- Centroid (ΚΑΙ)
- Moment of Inertia Properties
- Από – Moment of Inertia about the Z-axis
- Ναι – Moment of Inertia about the Y-axis
- Izy – Στιγμή αδράνειας
- Izp – Moment of Inertia about the principal Z-axis
- Iyp – Moment of Inertia about the principal Y-axis
- α – angle of rotation of principal axis
- rz – Radius of Gyration about the Z-axis
- ry – Radius of Gyration about the Y-axis
- Ενότητα Moduli
- Szt – Elastic Section Modulus about the Z-axis to the top of the section
- Szb – Elastic Section Modulus about the Z-axis to the bottom of the section
- Syt – Elastic Section Modulus about the Y-axis to the top of the section
- Syb – Elastic Section Modulus about the Y-axis to the bottom of the section
- Zz – Plastic Section Modulus about the Z-axis
- Zy – Plastic Section Modulus about the Y-axis
- Διατμητικές ιδιότητες
- Az – Shear Area about Z axis
- Έι – Shear Area about Y axis
- Qz – Static Moment of Area about the Z neutral axis
- Qy – Static Moment of Area about the Y neutral axis
- Torsion Properties
- Ι – Σταθερότητα στρέψης
- ρ – Ακτίνα στρέψης
- και – Στρεβλώνοντας σταθερά