Documentazione SkyCiv

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SkyCiv Structural 3D

  1. Casa
  2. SkyCiv Structural 3D
  3. segnalazione
  4. Risultati dei membri

Risultati dei membri

SkyCiv fornisce un utile riepilogo dei risultati della tua struttura nel suo Rapporto di analisi.

Basta fare clic su rapporto pulsante menu a sinistra per aprire il pop-up.

Having the ‘Member Resultsoption selected will include results at different points along each member of your structure. This includes internal member forces and moments (forza assiale, forza di taglio, torsione, e momento), member displacements about the global axes (length and rotation), member displacements about the local axes (length and rotation), and member stresses.

There are also highlighted cells, so you can easily identify the max and min results in the structure.

La green cells denote the minimo(S) che per il

red cells are the maximum(S) for that particular result.

Ad esempio, the red cell highlighted under Z Moment would be the maximum Z Moment in the entire structure. Here is an example of internal member forces presentation, with the aforementioned color scheme:

member results 1

Note how at the top of the table, there is an indicator of what the Red and Green cells are defined as. In questo esempio, they are the max and min in the whole project. You can change this option so that it highlights the max and min values for each member. Within the Analysis Report options page, click the dropdown ‘Highlight Max/Min Valuesto select the intended option:

member results 2

The default number of results at each member is 9, spaced evenly, but this can be increased or decreased in the settings under ‘Evaluation Points per Member’.

member results 3

Member Buckling Results

SkyCiv fornisce un utile riepilogo dei risultati della tua struttura nel suo Rapporto di analisi.

Basta fare clic su rapporto pulsante menu a sinistra per aprire il pop-up.

If you performed a Statico lineare + instabilità analisi, you have the option to select the ‘Member Buckling Results’ option in the reporting pop-up. It provides a tabulated summary of all the members which are buckling. The table will have results for critical load, lunghezza effettiva, lunghezza effettiva (local z and y directions). Vedi l'esempio qui sotto. Check out our Software Documentation on Statico lineare + instabilità analysis if you want more information.

deformazione 1

After solving, open up the Analysis Report options and tick on ‘Member Buckling Analysis

member results 4

The results will show in the report as follows:

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