Documentazione SkyCiv

La tua guida al software SkyCiv - tutorial, guide pratiche e articoli tecnici

Progettazione di connessioni SkyCiv

  1. Casa
  2. Progettazione di connessioni SkyCiv
  3. Documentazione v1
  4. Modifica assemblaggio connessioni

Modifica assemblaggio connessioni

After clicking the icon under ‘Designin the connection design table, you are able to edit your connection assembly. The connection assembly consists of:

  • il membro genitore (supporting member)
  • bambino(ren) aste (supported member(S))
  • the connection(S)
  • the fixtures (bulloni / saldature)

connection assembly layout

The image on the left will indicate the parent member, child member, and connection(S). Click each of the buttons to bring up a pop up to edit these different parts of your connection assembly.

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