Documentazione SkyCiv

La tua guida al software SkyCiv - tutorial, guide pratiche e articoli tecnici

Il Generatore di Sezioni SkyCiv

  1. Casa
  2. Il Generatore di Sezioni SkyCiv
  3. operazioni
  4. Mirroring


Mirroring is one of the operations you may want to perform on your shape to flip it in the correct orientation. Mirrors can be done about the Z axis (orizzontale) or about the Y axis (verticale). Note that the mirror is always performed about a line parallel to said axis, passing through the centroid of the shape.

To perform a mirror, simply click that shape you wish to mirror. Nel menu che compare a destra, fare clic su "Operazioni"’ tab. If you wish to perform a horizontal mirror (vale a dire. about an imaginary horizontal line that passes through the centroid), then click ‘Trueunder ‘Mirror via z-axis’.

operazioni 5


Allo stesso modo, if you wish to perform a vertical mirror (vale a dire. about an imaginary vertical line that passes through the centroid), then click ‘Trueunder ‘Mirror via y-axis’.

operazioni 6

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