Documentazione SkyCiv

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Il Generatore di Sezioni SkyCiv

  1. Casa
  2. Il Generatore di Sezioni SkyCiv
  3. Iniziare
  4. Integrazione con altri software

Integrazione con altri software

SkyCiv’s Section Builder can be used to define your member cross sections for use within our other programs (travatura, Telaio, Fascio, or S3D).

Ci sono 2 ways to do this. O:

  1. Use the Section Builder integrated within the other software, and save/load your section.
  2. Use the standalone Section Builder and save your section. Then when within the other software, load your section.

Please see this link for how to save and load your section

The following example shows you how to load your section into Beam which you previously saved in the Section Builder. The concepts are similar when trying to load up a section into Truss, Telaio, or S3D.

Esempio: Load Your Section within Beam

In questo esempio, you have saved a section inside of the standalone Section Builder and want to use this section within SkyCiv Beam.

Within SkyCiv Beam, clic “Aggiungi / Modifica sezione”.


Clicca il “Use Section Builderbutton when the pop up asks you to choose how to define your cross section.

The integrated Section Builder should open. Open the ‘My Sectionstab and find the custom section you want to use for the beam analysis. To load this section, either double click the section name in the list, or single click and click “fai clic sulla scheda e ti verrà presentata una nuova barra multifunzione di strumenti come mostrato di seguito”. The section should appear on the right. Clic “Invia” to have this as the cross section of your beam.

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You’ll notice that after you click “Invia”, you return back to Beam’s main screen there will now be a table to the right which summarizes the information about the cross section you just added.

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