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Progettazione dei membri SkyCiv

  1. Casa
  2. Progettazione dei membri SkyCiv
  3. Moduli di progettazione dei membri
  4. AS 1720 Design membro

AS 1720 Design membro

Member Design for Timber Structures according to AS 1720 – 2010

General Information

Before you begin

Before you begin the design module, you will need to perform the following extra steps.

  1. Import design code load combinations.
  2. Assign design code load cases to the load groups in your model.

Design Specific Information

Controlli di taglio


  • Rettangolare
  • Circolare

Integrated section database of common sections for sawn timber, GluLam and LVL.


  • Sawn timber, seasoned and unseasoned
  • GluLam
  • Pole timber
  • LVL (In arrivo)

Database integrato dei materiali del legname segato, Legno lamellare e palo.



Sul Dettagli tab you can enter your project details so that they are displayed on your report, tuttavia non sono necessari.



DEFINITION: Design Member: un membro, o gruppo di membri collegati con la stessa sezione e materiale.

La Membri tab contains several tables:

  1. La Membri del design tavolo: vedi sotto.
  2. La materiale tavolo: for your reference to review the materials used in your design.
  3. La sezioni tavolo: also for reference.

La Membri del design table allows you to add, remove and edit the design members deflection limit and parameters. If you are using the S3D integration version this information will be automatically filled with default values.

Sul Membri tab you can edit:

  1. La ID membro(S) campo: you can add multiple members to a single design member to simplify your design. Enter the member ids separated by commas.
  2. La DefL campo: choose an appropriate deflection limit, this is required for calculating the deflection utility ratio.
  3. La la tabella fornisce automaticamente un ID numerico univoco in modo che tu possa determinare quale parametro utilizzerai campo: the ID that links your design member to the Parametro table in the Parametri tab, read below for more information about setting parameters.

NOTA: Entering items like members or nodes as a comma separated list is a useful feature used widely in SkyCiv. Per esempio: when modelling you can apply the same loads to multiple members by entering a comma separated list of the member ids in the ID membro campo.



Due to the number of parameters required for calculations in AS 1720, we’ve made it easier for you to enter them by creating a parameter table that links to the Membri del design tavolo. If you have design members which are similar you don’t need to re-enter the same parameters for each one, just assign them the same Parameter ID.

La la tabella fornisce automaticamente un ID numerico univoco in modo che tu possa determinare quale parametro utilizzerai is entered in the Membri del design table under the Membri tab, vedi sopra.

NOTA: The bulk of parameters have been hiddento access them, clicca il edit icon under More Parameters intestazione.

Sul Parametri tab you can edit:

  1. La K4 campo: partial seasoning factor.
  2. La K6 drop-down: temperature factor.
  3. La B = Profondità o diametro della sezione drop-down: capacity factor.
  4. La g13 drop-down: fattore di lunghezza effettiva.
  5. La Descrizione campo: for your reference, non appare nel rapporto.


When the edit icon is clicked is opened, vedrai che i parametri sono raggruppati:

  1. La Intermediate Restraints tab: for bending and compression buckling.
  2. La Polo tab: per sezioni circolari.
  3. La Strength Sharing tab: for bending checks on rectangular sections.
  4. La Tensione tab: for bolted members.

Intermediate Restraints Parameters

If you would like to apply these parameters, please set the Applicare toggle to on.

Sul Intermediate Restraints tab you can edit:

  1. La Asse maggiore drop-down: type of restraint against major axis buckling.
  2. La Lax campo: distance between discrete restraints.
  3. La Asse minore drop-down: type of restraint against minor axis buckling and lateral-torsional buckling.
  4. La Minor Axis Position drop-down position of the restraint on the section, positive if the restraint is on the top edge of a normally orientated beam.
  5. La Lay campo: the distance between discrete restraints, if the Minor Axis field is set to Discrete this is required.
  6. La Fly Braces drop-down: partial restraint against lateral-torsional buckling.
  7. La La-φ campo: The distance between fly braces.


Pole Parameters

If you would like to apply these parameters, please set the Applicare toggle to on.

On this tab you can edit:

  1. La Species Class campo: for k20 and k21, the standard provides a method for calculating the values for Eucalypts and Corymbias, and Softwood. Other hardwoods must be estimated.
  2. La j9 campo: immaturity rigidity factor.
  3. La K20 campo: immaturity strength factor.
  4. La K21 drop-down: shaving factor.
  5. La K21b, K21cl, K21cp,v, e K21t fields: shaving factors for various strength properties.
  6. La K22 drop-down: processing type.

Strength Sharing Parameters

If you would like to apply these parameters, please set the Applicare toggle to on.

Sul Strength Sharing tab you can edit:

  1. La Parallel System campo: choose a combination of discrete and combined.
  2. La Ncon drop-down: number of elements combined into a discrete unit.
  3. La Nmem drop-down: number of discrete units the the system.
  4. La Spaziatura campo: centre-to-centre spacing of discrete units.
  5. La Lunghezza della campata campo: effective span of the parallel members.


Tension Parameters

If you would like to apply these parameters, please set the Applicare toggle to on.

Sul Tensione tab you can edit:

  1. La Number of bolts campo: number of bolts at the critical cross-section.
  2. La Bolt diameter campo: diameter of the bolts.
  3. La Bolt hole tolerance field: tolerance.

NOTA: The calculation of An assumes that the bolts are through the smallest cross-section and are evenly spaced. It does not account for minimum spacing or edge distances.



All materials are affected by creep (slow and minute increases over time of the deformation of an element under continuous load). Timber has a significant creep effect unlike other common construction materials like concrete and steel, timber creep is orders of magnitude more. Ciò rende la progettazione dei carichi sulle strutture in legno un po' più complicata, la durata del carico deve essere considerata per ogni combinazione di carico.

Per tenere conto di questo effetto AS 1720 fornisce un fattore per la durata del carico per la forza (K1) and guidance on the appropriate factors to use for load combinations from AS 1170. These are automatically filled into the load combinations parameters based on the load duration units select.

La Carichi tab contains:

  1. La Forza tab: for strength load combinations.
  2. La Funzionalità tab: for serviceability load combinations.
  3. La Unallocated tab: user defined load combinations can be moved to either Forza o Funzionalità tabs.


NOTA: To allocate your custom load combinations, simple click the button for the load combination type you’d like to move it to. in seguito, review the load combination factors in the appropriate tab.


Sul Forza tab you can edit:

  1. La Nome drop-down: select the name of the load combination to be displayed.
  2. La Descrizione campo: for reference, non appare nel rapporto.
  3. La Duration Units drop-down: secondi, minuti, ore, giorni, months or decades, these correspond with the k1 factor table.
  4. La Nominal Load Modification Factor drop-down: nessuno, a breve termine, Tutti gli esempi sono tratti dalla PROGETTAZIONE DEL CALCESTRUZZO RINFORZATO A EUROCODE, terremoto, combination or custom.
  5. La Nominal Load Modification Factors fields for each load group: to edit select the ‘custom’ dal Nominal Load Modification Factor drop-down custom type, otherwise these will be automatically filled with AS 1170 valori.



Sul Funzionalità tab you can edit:

  1. La Nome drop-down: select the name of the load combination to be displayed.
  2. La Descrizione: not required, non appare nel rapporto.
  3. La Nominal Load Modification Factor drop down: nessuno, a breve termine, Tutti gli esempi sono tratti dalla PROGETTAZIONE DEL CALCESTRUZZO RINFORZATO A EUROCODE, terremoto, combination or custom.
  4. The fields in the Greater than 1 Year, 5 Mesi, 5 Days and Less then 1 Giorno colonne: these factors are proportions of the load case that is equal to the each respective load duration.

NOTA: Each factor load duration proportion must be ≤ 1 and the sum of all load duration proportions on each row must be ≤ 1.



Once you have completed all of the above steps you can now check your design by clicking the Controlla il design pulsante. The software will alert you if you have missed any required fields, otherwise you will be taken to the Results tab.

Nel risultati tab you have an overview of the utility ratios of the important checks in the design code in the Member Design Ratios tavolo, if you’d like more detail you can click on the Riepilogo del progetto button for a summary report.

In this member design module, individual reports are also available by clicking on the report icon in the rapporto column of the Member Design Ratios tavolo.


Infine, you can see the overall governing results for each member by checking results displayed on the Wire-frame Model on the left.


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