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  3. Tutoriais de concreto armado
  4. Como projetar vigas de concreto armado?

Como projetar vigas de concreto armado?

Neste artigo, we will show you how to design a reinforced concrete beam using SkyCiv software. This tutorial covers two software options provided by SkyCiv for beam design: The SkyCiv Beam and Structural 3D. We will delve into both tools to help you access and design beams effectively. At the end of the article, we will also apply the method of coefficients prescribed by ACI-318-19 for RC beam design.

If you are new to beam design, we would recommend reading some introductory SkyCiv articles:

These tutorials will help you gain a better understanding of the general process of designing beams.

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Software SkyCiv Beam

The first stop is creating the beam model in the SkyCiv Beam Software. We indicate the steps required: (In parenthesis, we show the example data):

  • On the dashboard page, selecione o módulo de feixe.
  • Crie uma viga definindo seu comprimento (66 ft).
  • Ir para suportes e definir dobradiças ou hastes simples (hinge at the beginning and the end; haste em terceiros pontos).
  • Vá para as seções e crie uma retangular (seção retangular; largura = 18 em; altura = 24 em).
  • Em seguida, selecione o botão de carga distribuída e atribua um, dois, or more as you need for (carga permanente sobreposta = 0.25 kip / ft; carga viva = 0.40 kip / ft)
  • The next step is create some load combinations (\({L_d = 1.2\times D + 1.6\times L}\))
  • Finalmente, solve the beam!

Como projetar vigas de concreto armado

Figura 1: Modelo de viga com cargas permanentes e vivas aplicadas

After solving the beam, we can check the results, like the bending diagram, to get their maximum values along the element length. The following images show the final output.

Como projetar vigas de concreto armado

Figura 2: Bending moment diagram due to the specified load combination

The SkyCiv Beam Software gives us a table with the maximum values for forces, esforços, and displacement:

Como projetar vigas de concreto armado

Figura 3: Summary table

Now is the time to select the design tab and select and define the input as reinforcement layout, analysis sections, some coefficients, combinações de carga, etc. Look at figures 4 e 5 for more description.

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 4: RC beam layouts

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 5: Forces and sections to evaluate when designing

Once all the data is ready, podemos clicar no “Verificar” botão. This action will give us then the results and the capacity ratios for strength and serviceability.

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 6: Beam Module Design Results.

You can then download all the reports you need for!

Se você é novo no SkyCiv, Inscreva-se e teste você mesmo o software!

SkyCiv Structural 3D

Now is the time to use Structural 3D! We recommend just returning to the beam software and clicking on the “Abrir em S3D” botão. This will help us prepare the model and its inputs in S3D.

Once we clicked the change button, the model was automatically created. Remember to save it! (If you need to familiarize yourself with this module, look at this tutorial link!)

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 7: Automatically created model in S3D.

Now go directly to the “Resolver” icon choosing theLinear analysis” Selecione os membros que você deseja repetir. Feel free to check and compare results; vamos usar o “Projeto” Selecione os membros que você deseja repetir. It is time to define all the characteristics required to evaluate the beam on the different tabs.

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 8: Membros’ information for design

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 9: Membros’ forces and sections for design

SkyCiv can check for a particular defined RC layout or calculate a section reinforcement optimization. We’d like to suggest you run this latter option.

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 10: Section Reinforcement Optimization.

Figuras 11 e 12 show the final result and the suggested section reinforcement calculated for the optimization design.

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 11: Structural Concrete Design Results

You can then download all the reports you need for!

Design Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figura 12: Optimization in Section Reinforcement Steel

Se você é novo no SkyCiv, Inscreva-se e teste você mesmo o software!

ACI-318 Approximate Equations

When designing a continuous beam, ACI-318 permits using moment coefficients for bending calculations. (For more examples, feel free to visit these SkyCiv’s articles about Isso é feito para verificar as equações que são formadas a partir do ACI)

Moments at critical sections are calculated with: \( M_u = coefficient \times w_u \times l_n^2 \). Where the coefficient can be obtained from the following:

  • Exterior span:
    • Negative exterior: \(\fratura{1}{16}\)
    • Positive midspan: \(\fratura{1}{14}\)
    • Negative interior:\(\fratura{1}{10}\)
  • Interior span:
    • Negativo: \(\fratura{1}{11}\)
    • Positive midspan: \(\fratura{1}{16}\)

We’ll select two cases: the absolute maximum value for positive and negative bending moments.

\(wu=1.2\times D + 1.6\times L = 1.2 \vezes 0.25 + 1.6 \vezes 0.4 = 0.94 \fratura{kip}{ft} \)

\(M_{você,neg} = {\fratura{1}{10}}{\vezes 0.94 {\fratura{kip}{ft}}}{\vezes {(22 ft)}^ 2} = 45.50 {kip}{ft} \)

\(M_{você,pos} = {\fratura{1}{14}}{\vezes 0.94 {\fratura{kip}{ft}}}{\vezes {(22 ft)}^ 2} = 32.50 {kip}{ft} \)

Flexure resistance calculation for negative moment, \({M_{você,neg} = 45.50 {kip}{ft}}\)

  • Seção controlada por tensão assumida. \({\phi_f = 0.9}\)
  • Beam width, \({b=18 in}\)
  • Área de reforço de aço, \({A_s = frac{M_u}{\phi_fvezes 0,9dvezes fy}= frac{45.50 kip-ft \times 12 in -ft }{0.9\vezes 0.9(17 no )\vezes 60 ksi}=0.66 {no}^ 2}\)
  • \({\rho_{min} = 0.003162}\). Área mínima de reforço de aço, \({UMA_{s,min}=rho_{min}\vezes bvezes d = 0.003162 \vezes 18 in \times 17 in =0.968 {no}^ 2}\). Agora, verifique se a seção está se comportando como tensão controlada.
  • \({a = frac{A_svezes f_y}{0.85\vezes f'cvezes b} = frac{0.968 {no}^2vezes 60 ksi}{0.85\vezes 4 ksi\times 18 no }= 0.95 no}\)
  • \({c = frac{uma}{\beta_1}= frac{0.95 no}{0.85} = 1.12 no }\)
  • \({\varepsilon_t = (\fratura{0.003}{c})\vezes {(d – c)} = (\fratura{0.003}{1.12 no})\vezes {(17no – 1.12 no)} = 0.0425 > 0.005 }\) OK!, é uma seção controlada por tensão!.

Flexure resistance calculation for positive moment, \({M_{você,pos} = 32.50 {kip}{ft}}\)

  • Seção controlada por tensão assumida. \({\phi_f = 0.9}\)
  • Beam width, \({b=18 in}\)
  • Área de reforço de aço, \({A_s = frac{M_u}{\phi_fvezes 0,9dvezes fy}= frac{32.50 kip-ft \times 12 in -ft }{0.9\vezes 0.9(17 no )\vezes 60 ksi}=0.472 {no}^ 2}\)
  • \({\rho_{min} = 0.003162}\). Área mínima de reforço de aço, \({UMA_{s,min}=rho_{min}\vezes bvezes d = 0.003162 \vezes 18 in \times 17 in =0.968 {no}^ 2}\). Agora, verifique se a seção está se comportando como tensão controlada.
  • \({a = frac{A_svezes f_y}{0.85\vezes f'cvezes b} = frac{0.968 {no}^2vezes 60 ksi}{0.85\vezes 4 ksi\times 18 no }= 0.95 no}\)
  • \({c = frac{uma}{\beta_1}= frac{0.95 no}{0.85} = 1.12 no }\)
  • \({\varepsilon_t = (\fratura{0.003}{c})\vezes {(d – c)} = (\fratura{0.003}{1.12 no})\vezes {(17no – 1.12 no)} = 0.0425 > 0.005 }\) OK!, é uma seção controlada por tensão!.

Finalmente, we can see that for both moments, negative and positive, the result is to assign a minimum flexural reinforcement. The steel rebar area required equals \(0.968 {no}^2\).

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