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  4. Entwicklungslänge für Pad-Fundamente

Entwicklungslänge für Pad-Fundamente


This documentation explores the significance of rebar development length in concrete footings and its role in ensuring structural integrity. You can gain insights into design code requirements, factors that influence development length, and practical approaches for incorporating them into your footing designs. Plus, discover how the SkyCiv Foundation Design module simplifies the process of verifying rebar development length for your projects.

Understanding Rebar Development Length in Pad Footings

Proper anchorage and reinforcement are essential for the stability and longevity of concrete structures, especially in pad footings. Development length is the minimum length of rebar embedded in the concrete necessary to achieve the required bond strength between steel and concrete. A development length check ensures that reinforcement is adequately embedded to resist loads without slipping, maintaining structural integrity and enabling safe load transfer to the ground. Verifying development length is a key part of footing design, assuring performance under static and dynamic loads and safeguarding overall structure stability.

Different design standards provide specific guidelines for determining these lengths to ensure that reinforcing bars are securely anchored within the concrete. This article provides an overview of the footing development length requirements as specified by various design standards, einschließlich ACI 318-14 (Amerikanisches Betoninstitut), AS 3600 (Australische Standards), CSA (Canadian Standards Association), und EN (Eurocode). By examining the distinct approaches and criteria set forth by each standard, engineers can better understand how to apply these guidelines effectively in practice, ensuring robust and compliant structural designs.

Länge der Kompressionsentwicklung

The compression development length of a footing is a crucial factor in determining its required thickness to ensure proper anchorage of reinforcing bars. This length is calculated based on the need to embed the bars sufficiently within the concrete to achieve adequate bond strength and prevent slippage under compressive loads. Incorporating the correct development length allows engineers to design footings with optimal thickness for reinforcement, ensuring structural stability and durability and enhancing overall safety.

Amerikanisches Betoninstitut (ACI 318 Sektion 25.4.9)


\(l_{dc} = Max links[ \frac{0.24 f_{j} \psi_{r}}{\lambda \sqrt{f’_{c}}} \Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 0.042 f_{j} \psi_{r} d_{b}, 200mm rechts]\)

\(l_{dc} = Max links[ \frac{f_{j} \psi_{r}}{50 \Lambda sqrt{f’_{c}}} \Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 0.0003 f_{j} \psi_{r} d_{b}, 8Zoll rechts]\)

fj = Rebar yield strength (MPa, psi)
f’c = Concrete strength (MPa, psi)
db = Dübelstangendurchmesser (mm, im)
ѱ r = Confinement reinforcement factor (Tabelle
ƛ = Betontypfaktor (Tabelle

Australisches Handbuch für Bauingenieure (AS 3600 Sektion 13.1.5)

Grundlegende Entwicklungslänge:

\(l_{seine,cb} = Max links[ \frac{0.22 f_{seine}}{ \sqrt{f_{c}'}} \Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 0.0435 f_{seine} d_{b}, 200mm rechts]\)

fseine = Rebar yield strength (MPa)
fc= Concrete strength
db = Starter bar diameter (mm)

Canadian Standard Association (CSA Section 12.3)

\(l_{db} = Max links[ \frac{0.24 f_{j}}{ \sqrt{f_{c}'}} \Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 0.045 f_{j} d_{b}, 200mm rechts]\)

fj = Rebar yield strength (MPa)
fc= Concrete strength
db = Dübelstangendurchmesser (mm)

Eurocode (EN Section 8.4)

Grundlänge der Anchorage (8.4.3)

\(l_{b,RQD} = frac{\phi}{4} \mal frac{\sigma_{SD}}{f_{Bd}} \)

fj = Rebar yield strength (MPa)
fBd = Ultimativer Bindungsstress (MPa)

σSD = Konstruktionsspannung der Stange an der Position, von der aus dem Verankerung gemessen wird (MPa)
ɸ = Dowel bar diameter (mm)

Verankerungslänge (8.4.4)

\(l_{Bd} =\alpha_{1} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{2} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{3} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{4} l_{b,RQD} \)

ein1, ein2, ein3, ein4 = 1.0 for Compression (Tabelle 8.2)

Minimum anchorage length (8.4.4)

\(l_{b, Min.} =MAX \left[ 0.6 l_{b,RQD}, 10ɸ, 100mm rechts]\)
Anchorage length in compression

\(l_{Bd,Druck-} =MAX\left[ l_{b, Min.}, l_{Bd}\richtig]\)

Länge der Spannungsentwicklung

The tension development length is key to ensuring that a footing’s dimensions are adequate to anchor reinforcement against tensile forces. This length, calculated to achieve the necessary bond strength between concrete and rebar, directly impacts the footing’s size and design. Properly determining the tension development length allows engineers to design footings capable of securely anchoring the reinforcement, enabling the structure to withstand tensile stresses and maintain stability and performance.

Amerikanisches Betoninstitut (ACI 318 Sektion 25.4)

Straight bars (Sektion


\(l_{d} = Max links[ \links( \frac{f_{j}}{1.1 \Lambda sqrt{f’_{c}}} \mal frac{\psi_{!} \psi_{2} \psi_3}{\links(c_{b} + K_{tr} \richtig) / d_{b}} \richtig)\Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 300mm rechts]\)

\(l_{d} = Max links[ \links( \frac{3 f_{j}}{40\Lambda sqrt{f’_{c}}} \mal frac{\psi_{!} \psi_{2} \psi_3}{\links(c_{b} + K_{tr} \richtig) / d_{b}} \richtig) \Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 12in\right]\)


ѱt = Casting position factor (Tabelle
ѱe = Bar coating factor (Tabelle
ѱs = Bar size factor (Tabelle
cb = Minimum bar clear distance (mm, im) = Transverse reinforcement index (mm, im)
(cb + / db ≤ 2.5

Standard hooked bars (Sektion


\(l_{d} = Max links[ \links( \frac{0.24 f_{j} \psi_{e} \psi_{c} \psi_{r}}{\Lambda sqrt{f’_{c}}} \richtig)\Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 8d_{b}, 150 mm rechts]\)

\(l_{d} = Max links[ \links( \frac{f_{j} \psi_{e} \psi_{c} \psi_{r}}{50 \Lambda sqrt{f’_{c}}} \richtig)\Die SkyCiv Foundation umfasst das Design von isolierten Fundamenten, die den australischen Standards¹ entsprechen{b}, 8d_{b}, 6 in Recht]\)


ѱe = Bar coating factor (Tabelle
ѱc = Bar concrete cover factor (Tabelle
ѱr = Confining reinforcement factor (Tabelle

Australisches Handbuch für Bauingenieure (AS 3600 Sektion

Grundlegende Entwicklungslänge:

\(l_{seine,tb} = Max links[ \frac{0.5 k_{1} k_{3} f_{j} d_{b}}{k_{2} \sqrt{f’_{c}}}, 0.058 f_{j} k_{1} d_{b} \richtig]\)

k1 = 1.3 for rebar with more than 300 mm concrete cast below the bar (1.0 Andernfalls)
k2 = (132 – db)/100
k3 = 1-[0.15(cd – db)/db]
cd = Minimum bar clear distance (mm)

Straight bar:

\(l_{seine,t} = l_{seine,tb}\)

Standard hook or cog:

\(l_{seine,t} =0.5 \times l_{seine,tb}\)

Canadian Standard Association (CSA Section 12)

Straight bars (Sektion 12.2.3)

\(l_{d} = Max links[ 0.45 k_{1} k_{2} k_{3} k_{4} \frac{f_{j}}{\sqrt{f’_{c}}} d_{b}, 300 mm rechts]\)

k1 = Bar location factor (12.2.4)
k2 = Coating factor (12.2.4)
k3 = Concrete density factor (12.2.4)
k4 = Bar size factor (12.2.4)

Standard hooked bars (Sektion 12.5)

\(l_{d} = Max links[ \frac{100 d_{b}}{\sqrt{f’_{c}}}\mal links(0.7 \frac{f_{j}}{40}\richtig), 8 d_{b}, 150 mm rechts]\)

Eurocode (EN Section 8.4)

Grundlänge der Anchorage (8.4.3)

\(l_{b,RQD} = frac{\phi}{4} \mal frac{\sigma_{SD}}{f_{Bd}} \)
Verankerungslänge (8.4.4)

\(l_{Bd} =\alpha_{1} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{2} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{3} \= Abstand des Abschnitts, in dem die Scherung berücksichtigt wird, zur Fläche des nächsten Auflagers{4} l_{b,RQD} \)

ein1, ein2, ein3, ein4 = values shown in Table 8.2 for bars in tension

Minimum anchorage length (8.4.4)

\(l_{b, Min.} =MAX \left[ 0.3 l_{b,RQD}, 10ɸ, 100mm rechts]\)
Anchorage length in compression

\(l_{Bd,Spannung} =MAX\left[ l_{b, Min.}, l_{Bd}\richtig]\)

For a detailed guide on how the SkyCiv Design module verifies development length, refer to the following links:

Designmodul der SkyCiv Foundation

Entwicklungslänge für Pad-Fundamente

The latest update to the SkyCiv Foundation Design module enhances its functionality by introducing the ability to incorporate standard hooked reinforcements, enabling more precise and detailed development length checks. This new feature provides users with greater flexibility by allowing them to customize the reinforcement detailing at each end of the footing bars. Users can now specify reinforcement ends as straight bars, 90-degree hooks (cogs), or 180-degree hooks, catering to various design requirements and standards.

Entwicklungslänge für Pad-Fundamente

The module also features updated graphics that visually aid in inspecting reinforcement detailing checks. Column dowel or starter bars are now also visible in the 3D graphics. With the newly added solver settings under the Miscellaneous tab, users can toggle to ignore specific design checks, such as development length checks and other advanced solving options.


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