
SkyCivソフトウェアのガイド - チュートリアル, ハウツーガイドと技術記事


  1. ホーム
  2. SkyCiv構造3D
  3. 会員
  4. リジッドメンバー


An Introduction and example use cases of Rigid Members

Rigid members are a powerful and effective member class, that can be used to simulate a fully rigid member. They are often used to transfer forces from one location to another, via some arbitrary, imaginary, infinitely rigid member. See the below video for more information on how they work, how to model them in software, and some use cases:

How to Use Rigid Members

To set a member as rigid, simply specify the member “タイプ” なので “リジッドリンク”. 注意: you may have to toggle the advanced mode on to see the タイプ attribute:

using rigid members in s3d via ui

You will notice the options collapse (since they are not required for rigid links) but you can still control the end fixities, which essentially controls which loads are transferred. Once you click 適用する, you will see that the rigid link is drawn in light grey color with a “R” その横にある記号:

using rigid members in s3d

Use Cases

Stacked Beams

Rigid Link Members
View the full article here on how to model stacked beams.

Line Hinges Between Plates

Rigid Links can be useful to define rigid connections between structures or elements. 彼らはしばしばメンバーを結合する想像上の堅いリンクとして考えられます。 一緒に平行移動および/または回転. A rigid link can also be used to manually control for member offsets or connections. Additionally you can change the fixity/releases in the rigid link to control what forces and effects it has on what it connects to. A good example of this is simulating Line Hinges to connect plates by hinges:

Start by adding two plates (that you wish to join by a hinge) and connect them with Rigid members with end fixities FFFFRR. These rigid links are connecting the gap in plates we see below:

Solving the structure under these conditions, we can see the results behaving as expected; supporting members have no bending moment force at the hinge, and the plates have a hinge-like deflection.
bending moment force of supporting members using rigid links plate deflections joined by line hinge joints

はい 番号

