Documentation SkyCiv

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Section Builder de SkyCiv

  1. Accueil
  2. Section Builder de SkyCiv
  3. Sections assemblées et composites
  4. Découpes et trous

Découpes et trous

In some circumstances, you may wish to define a section with a circular or non-circular geometry cut out from another shape. It is important to note that cutouts must be completely within another shape. This is because cutouts represent negative geometries. It does not make sense to have negative geometries which are not within positive geometries.

Exemple: A hole cut out of a rectangular section

1) Add a rectangular shape and resize the width to 50 mm and the height to 70 mm.


2) Assurez-vous que la case « Effacer les autres’ checkbox is unticked.

les opérations 14

3) Add a circular shape and resize the diameter to 20 mm.


4) Translate the circle by 15 mm in the Z axis direction, et 25 mm in the Y axis direction so that it sits in the center.


5) Turn the circle into a hole by clicking the ‘Generaltab when selecting the circular shape. Tick the checkbox for ‘Cutout’. The circle is now a hole, and the section can be solved by clicking ‘Calculateas normal. Compare the results to when there is no hole present.

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