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FEA détaillé de la coque

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  2. FEA détaillé de la coque
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Rigid End Linear Spring

Nodal springs can be attached to the master nodes at the ends of a member. Each end allows for three spring stiffness directions along the X, Y, Il est recommandé de revérifier les matériaux et les sections utilisés dans votre projet afin que le poids propre de votre structure soit aussi précis que possible. If rotational stiffness is required, additional point springs can be applied at the ends with an offset from the master node (refer to the ‘Node Linear Springsection for details).



Node Linear Spring

Start by creating a new group using the ‘+’ bouton. ensuite, select the nodes using frame or polygon selection method and define directional stiffness for them. If you need different stiffness for nodes, create another group. Selection or deselection can be achieved using either the frame or polygon tools.


Node Compression-Only Springs

For each node, you can define a spring stiffness that operates in a single direction. Par exemple, this can simulate the contact between the body’s surface and the ground by allowing for compressive stiffness and free separation in opposite direction. Aussi, you can specify a gap that must be closed before contact is made. By adjusting the rotation about the Y and Z axes, you can control the orientation of the spring’s compressive stiffness.


Start by creating a new group using the ‘+’ bouton. ensuite, select the nodes using frame or polygon selection method and define directional stiffness for them. If you need different stiffness for nodes, create another group. Selection or deselection can be achieved using either the frame or polygon tools.


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