SkyCiv Belgeleri

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SkyCiv Bölüm Oluşturucu

  1. Ev
  2. SkyCiv Bölüm Oluşturucu
  3. Gömme ve Kompozit Bölümler
  4. Çoklu Şekiller

Çoklu Şekiller

More complicated sections will typically involve more than one shape. These are referred to as ‘built-up’ bölümler. To create a built-up section, you simply need to add all the shapes that make up the section, adjust their dimensions, and then perform operations (tercüme, rotasyon, yansıtma) until they are in the correct position.

Misal: I-shape reinforced with a T-section

Bu örnekte, we’re going go create a section made up of an I-shape reinforced on its bottom flange with a upside down T-shape. We’ll be using the default corresponding shapes in the Section Templates for this example.

1) Start by adding the I-shape from the Bölüm Şablonları Menü. Select ‘I-shapefrom the menu and click ‘Add’.

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2) Basitlik için, lets move the I-shape so that it is centered on the Y axis. Bunu yapmak için, we will want to translate the shape in the negative Z direction by half of its flange width (8/2 = 4 inç). Put in (-4) in the ‘Translate in Zfield under the ‘Operations’ sekme’

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3) Now lets add the T-shape and also center it on the Y axis. Select the ‘T-shapefrom the same Section Templates list and click ‘Add’. Translate late it in the negative Z direction by half of its overall Z dimension (6.78/2 = 3.39 inç). Both shapes should now be centered on the Y axis as shown:

Not: make sure that the ‘Clear Othersoption is unchecked, or else it will clear the I-shape we just generated.

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4) To get the T-shape in the right orientation, there are two ways to get the same result: 1) Rotate the shape 180 degrees or 2) ‘Mirror via z-axis’. Both will do the same thing, but we will use the rotation function here, İş akışının açıklanabilmesi için bir örnek üzerinden gidelim 180 into the ‘Rotatefield within the ‘Operations’ sekme.

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5) Now we need to offset the upside down T-shape down so that it isconnectedto the bottom of the bottom flange of the I-shape. Because we want those top points to have a Y axis value of zero, we want to offset it by its current position. To view the position of any point indicated with a red dot, hover over it with the mouse. Bizim durumumuzda, the Y axis value of the T-shape is (10.86)

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6) En sonunda, put in (-10.86) as the value for the ‘Translate in Yfield to get our desired combination of shapes. You can now calculate the section properties using the ‘Calculate’ üst araç çubuğundaki düğme, and bring it into other modules for further analysis.

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