SkyCiv is pleased to launch our Section FEA stress analysis tool. This tool is conveniently integrated into the powerful SkyCiv Section Builder module, allowing users to analyze sections to calculate bending, axial, torsional, and shear stresses.

What can you do with SkyCiv Section Builder stress analysis?

This tool allows users to calculate cross-sectional stresses from any combination of forces and moments they input. The analysis uses powerful cloud-based finite element method (FEM) to calculate stress results using the same mesh that calculates the section properties. Below are some examples of analyses run using the Section Builder: The stress results available include:
  • Normal Stresses from axial force and bending moment.
  • Shear Stresses from shear force and torsion.
  • Equivalent Stresses (including von Mises) with comparison to limit stress.
You can view these results via color-contoured renders or even download a customizable PDF report of the results. Settings for mesh granularity and unit systems are also supported in this module.

How to run a stress analysis

Running a section stress analysis is simple. First, create or load your desired shape into the SkyCiv Section Builder from our library of over 12,000 sections, or build your own with our modelling features. When you are ready to begin analysing your section, click "Analysis", the last option on the left panel menu. FEA Section Analysis - Part 1 From this point, you can define the loads and bending moments to place on your section. You can apply six types of loads; Axial, Shear Y, Shear Z, Torsion, Bending Y, and Bending Z. For more details about how these loads are applied to the section, please refer to the documentation FEA Section Analysis - Part 2 After you have applied at least one load to your section, you can run your analysis. Click the blue “Run Analysis” button and wait for your results. When the results are ready, they will be displayed on the right-hand side of the section builder. FEA Section Analysis - Part 3

Viewing results and reports

The results are returned as color-contoured renders and summarised in the results table. You can click on renders to enlarge and view them or even use the copy button to copy the render to your clipboard. The results table summarises the minimum and maximum stress results for:
  • Primary Stresses: Axial, Bending Y, Bending Z, Resultant Shear Y, Resultant Shear Z, and Torsion.
  • Secondary Stresses: Normal, Shear, Von Misses, Major Principal, and Minor Principal.
FEA Section Analysis - Results You can also download a report with all renders and results tables by clicking on the “Download Report” button. You can customize the report, including adding the section properties by clicking the settings button next to the “Download Report” button. Click here for a sample section analysis report!


Model and analyze complex shapes, using Section Builder Modelling features

The Section Builder has a huge amount of modeling functionality, including cutouts, polygon entry, merge, intersect, and even the ability to import complex CAD shapes via our DXF importing. This means you can analyze complex shapes and sections for whatever you need. For instance, using the DXF importer, lets you analyze complex aluminum shapes:

Get Started with FEA stress analysis today!

The section FEA stress analysis tool adds to the growing list of powerful capabilities in the SkyCiv Section Builder. Simply launch the Section Builder and try it today! It's easy to get started but if you need more help, then be sure to visit our documentation or get in touch with us today! Not a SkyCiv User? Sign up for a Free 14 Day Trial to get started today!
Jake Roeleven Software Engineer
Jake Roeleven
Software Engineer
BEng (Software)