ACI 318-19 Spread-Fundament-Design-Rechner

The SkyCiv Spread Footing Design Calculator is developed to assist in designing isolated concrete spread footings (also know as pad footings). Es kann anstelle herkömmlicher Tabellenkalkulationen für Padfundament-Designs verwendet werden. Dieser benutzerfreundliche und kostenlose Rechner bewertet Fundamente, die einer Axialkraft ausgesetzt sind, quer (horizontale) Schub-, and bending moment of either axis for both reinforced and mass concrete footings. Der Untergrund wird auf Axialkraft sowohl auf Druck als auch auf Zug geprüft (erheben) in Übereinstimmung mit der ACI 318-19. The Spread Footing Software considers the stability checks for soil bearing on the footing subject to vertical load and biaxial moments. Zusätzlich, it performs the concrete design based on the Ultimate Strength Design Method of the ACI 318-19.

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Über die ACI 318-19 Footing Calculator verbreiten

What Inputs are Required?

Various inputs are required to complete the design checks for the pad footings. Die Eingaben umfassen:

  • Footing Dimensions and Material
  • Wird geladen
  • Concrete Properties
  • Bewehrungseigenschaften
  • Geotechnische Parameter

Sobald alle Eingaben ausgefüllt sind, klicken Sie auf "Run" button in the top right to complete the spread footing design.

Does the Spread Footing Calculator include Stability Checks?

The program considers the stability checks for soil bearing on the footing subject to vertical load and biaxial moments. Zusätzlich, it performs the concrete design based on the Ultimate Strength Design Method in accordance with ACI 318-19. The soil pressures are calculated using the solution of Bellos and Bakas and the footing is assumed to be perfectly rigid with constant thickness. The pressures may also be calculated when only a part of the footing is in contact with the soil. This is especially useful for footings with small vertical loads and large moments, such as the case of footings at the corners of buildings under lateral loads.

Spread Footing Loading

This spread footing calculator allows the input of lateral loads (Scherung und Moment) and it can deal with four load cases (Eigengewicht, Nutzlast, roof live load, und Wind oder andere seitliche Lastfälle). The user should check the load combination factors of the table and add or modify them accordingly to the adopted loading code. The weight of the pedestal is added to the specified dead load and therefore all factors included in the combinations will affect this load.

Which Spread Footing Checks are Completed?

Maximum eccentricity, umkippen, and sliding checks are performed by this spread footing software. The last check does not include the passive pressure contribution. Es ist immer wünschenswert, Spannungskonzentrationen im Boden zu vermeiden. Daher weist das Programm einen Warnstatus auf, wenn die Resultierende außerhalb des mittleren Drittels des Fundaments liegt. In extreme cases where the load eccentricity generates ratios of maximum stress vs. mean stress greater than 6, the spread footing program triggers an error due to the large concentration of stresses and possible large rotation of the footing. In solchen Fällen, the user is advised to enlarge the footing to have a better distribution of stresses or use other solutions as strap footings are not considered in the scope of this tool.

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