Spreadsheet Calculator

SkyCiv can help you turn your engineering spreadsheets into web calculators.
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Convert your engineering spreadsheets into web based calculators

SkyCiv's Custom Solutions allows you to turn your engineering spreadsheets into dynamic web software effortlessly with our innovative and cost-effective framework. Stop having to share the latest version of spreadsheets between engineers and instead maintain a single source of truth that is universally accessible from any machine. By leveraging SkyCiv's technology you can access rapid development and create professional reports that convey your engineering insights effectively and help you automate repetitive processes to turn designs around quicker.

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More than just a spreadsheet

Your spreadsheets, on the web

SkyCiv Custom Solutions are web based meaning that they can be run on any machine, anywhere without the need for a particular version of Excel or VBA. Everyone with access to your SkyCiv custom solution can access the latest version of software from their browser without you needing to distribute the latest version of the spreadsheet.

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Develop faster with SkyCiv-powered technology

Save development time and level up your solutions by plugging in to SkyCiv existing and proven technology. With SkyCiv Custom Solutions you can easily access our:

  • Professional Engineering Reporting.
  • 3D Model Rendering.
  • Section and Material Databases.
  • FEA Solving.

All this can be readily integrated into our custom software framework saving you time and money on software development costs.

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Access anywhere via an API

SkyCiv Custom Solutions are built with an API first architecture allowing you to integrate easily with other software packages. This means that not only can your tool be used as a web app but also as an API without any extra development work.

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More benefits of SkyCiv Spreadsheet Calculators

SkyCiv has a wealth of engineering knowledge readily available to help you build your tools. We understand the challenges of building engineering software making it easier for your engineers to communicate requirements. 
Not only are SkyCiv Custom Solutions useful for internal engineering but they can also be easily integrated into your website to put them in the hands of your clients to improve your SEO and marketing.
Our framework is set up to make creating engineering ready reports easy. These reports can be downloaded as a PDF ready to be signed off by engineers and submitted as documentation or for review.
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