Υπολογιστής ιδιοτήτων ενότητας

Το SkyCiv Section Property Calculator μπορεί να σας δώσει γρήγορα και με ακρίβεια τις ιδιότητες ενότητας για τις ακόλουθες διατομές:

  • I Δοκάρια (I-Sections, W-σχήματα, I-Shape)
  • Σχήματα Τ
  • Κανάλια (PFC)
  • Γωνίες
  • Ορθογώνιες κοίλες τομές (RHS)
  • Κυκλικές κοίλες τομές (CHS)
  • Στερεά ορθογώνια και κύκλοι

Αυτή η αριθμομηχανή έχει επικυρωθεί και δοκιμαστεί σε σχέση με έναν αριθμό προϊόντων, υπολογισμοί χειρός και γνωστές τιμές για να εξασφαλίσετε τον ακριβή υπολογισμό των παρακάτω τιμών:

  • Στιγμή αδράνειας
  • Περιοχή
  • Centroid
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Υπολογιστής Centroid

The above centroid calculator will use the relevant centroid equations to find the centroid of a circle, ορθογώνιο παραλληλόγραμμο, κοίλο ορθογώνιο, I Δοκάρια, Channels and Angle sections. The calculator will return simplified results including the centroid (in both X and Y directions) from a few simple section dimension inputs. The section centroid is the geometric centre of a shape, representing the point where its area can be evenly balanced. Assuming a consistent material within the section, it will be the centre of gravity for that section. The centroid is usually defined in terms of Cx and Cy, to represent the distance from the bottom of the section in x and y respectively. So the centroid location can be denoted as a point [Cx, Cy].

For some shapes, this is quite a simple calculation. Για παράδειγμα, finding the centroid of a rectangle is as simple as halving the height and width:

Ωστόσο, for more complex sections where they are not symmetrical in both axis, the centroid calculations are a little more complex. Για παράδειγμα, an Angle Section may have it's centroid somewhere off the actual section:

Υπολογιστής μέτρου ενότητας

The section modulus is an important geometric property, which ultimately represents how well a section can resist bending. It's calculated by the following simple elastic section modulus equation:

μικρόxb = Εγώxx / ντοκαι

The above section modulus formula is for the elastic section modulus about the x-axis to the most bottom fibre of the section. Section modulus properties are often broken into four results, with individual results for:

  • μικρόxb: Section Modulus about x-axis to the bottom of the section
  • μικρόxt: Section Modulus about x-axis to the top of the section
  • μικρό= Ονομαστική αξονική: Section Modulus about y-axis to the top of the section (or the right-most part of the section)
  • μικρόyb: Section Modulus about y-axis to the bottom of the section (or the left-most part of the section)

It's also important to note, the x/z axis can be used interchangeably. Υπολογίστε τις φυσικές συχνότητες της δομής σας σε Structural 3D, in our section modulus calculations, we use με instead of Χ as our horizontal axis.

Μέτρο ελαστικής τομής (μικρό) Vs Plastic Section Modulus (ΜΕ)

The elastic section modulus (μικρό) represents a section's bending behavior within its elastic limit - where it deforms under load but returns to its original shape once the load is removed. This modulus is crucial for calculating maximum bending stress before yielding.

Αφ 'ετέρου, the plastic section modulus (ΜΕ) captures a section's bending behavior πέρα its elastic limit, where it undergoes plastic deformation. Z represents the member's ability to redistribute stress post-yielding, enhancing its resistance to bending.

While S (elastic) is fundamental for designing structures operating within their elastic range, ΜΕ (πλαστική ύλη) finds application in scenarios where plastic behavior is anticipated or desired, such as in steel design when dealing with compact sections, the Plastic Section modulus can be used to push the design further. In the case of a non-compact section, the section will locally buckle before its plastic moment capacity is reached - hence the elastic section modulus is used in this case. You can read more about this in SkyCiv's guide to AS4100 Steel Design, although this makes specific references to the Australian Standards, it has useful general comments about section classifications in steel design.

It's also important to note that different regions adopt different nomenclature for plastic and elastic modulus:

Z = Elastic, S = Plastic

America + Rest of World
S = Elastic, Z = Plastic

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