Rekenmachine voor laadvermogen van steigers
Met de SkyCiv Scaffolding Design Software kunnen ingenieurs steigers ontwerpen volgens de AISC-normen 360-16, BS EN 12811-1:2003, en AS/NZS 1576. The scaffolding capacity calculator provides multiple design capacities for both scaffolding tubes and clamps. De ontwerptool biedt gebruiksresultaten van steigers die worden berekend en gedetailleerd in een professioneel rapport, zodat ingenieurs elk resultaat kunnen verifiëren en de achterliggende berekeningsstappen kunnen begrijpen. Gebruik het vlagpictogram links bovenaan de rekenmachine , de volgende normen zijn beschikbaar in onze steigerontwerpsoftware:
- Verenigde Staten - AISC 360-16.
- Australische normen - AS / NZS 1576 Algemene vereisten voor steigers.
- Europa/VK - BS EN 12811-1:2003 Uitrusting voor tijdelijke werken - Steigers.
The scaffolding capacity calculator requires the geometry and material of the scaffolding member, de koppelingsgegevens, het ontwerp wordt geladen (buigen, schuintrekken, axiaal en torsie) evenals de effectieve lengtefactoren. The calculator can help engineers calculate scaffolding load capacity for results including axial compression, afschuifcapaciteit en momentcapaciteit. De rekenmachine ondersteunt meerdere soorten koppelingen, waaronder haakse koppelingen, parallelle koppelingen, draaibare koppelingen en hulskoppelingen van het wrijvingstype.
Ontwerpen van draagvermogen van steigers
What is Tube and Clamp Scaffolding?
Tube and Clamp scaffolding is a common type of scaffolding system that consists of steel or aluminium tubes and clamps (also known as couplers or fittings) to connect the tubes together. Tube and coupler scaffolding is common in the construction industry where cheap and reliable temporary structures are required to facilitate efficient construction.
What is a Scaffolding Clamp?
In scaffolding a coupler refers to a fitting used to connect two scaffolding members. Koppelingen zijn er in verschillende soorten en opties.
Right-angle clamps are used to connect horizontal and vertical scaffolding tubes and swivel clamps are used to connect bracing to the structure. End-to-end clamps such as sleeve couplers or joint pin couplers can be used to extend a straight run of scaffolding. A screw jack (also know as adjustable leg) can be used as a starting base for scaffolding with an adjustable height to ensure that level scaffolding can be achieved even on uneven surfaces.
Standard scaffolding tube has a 48.3 mm (1.900 inch) outer diameter (OD) and most clamps are designed for this standard sizing.
Welke koppelingen zijn beschikbaar in de steigerbelastbaarheidscalculator?
In the scaffolding capacity calculator the connections included depend upon the design standard referenced and what is included in the provisions of that design standard.
De BS-EN 12811-1:2003 Annex C gives characteristic values of the resistances for the following couplers:
- Right-Angle Coupler
- Friction Type Sleeve Coupler
- Swivel Coupler
- Parallel Coupler
These couplers are divided into class A and class B couplers with the characteristic strength given for each with respect to the types of load it can carry. A partial safety factor of 1.5 is then used to account for load action variability and a partial safety factor of 1.1 is used for resistance variability. Bijvoorbeeld, a Class A right-angle coupler has a characteristic slipping resistance of 10.0 kN. We can then determine a working load limit of 10 / (1.1 * 1.5) = 6.1 kN for Class A right-angle couplers resisting a slipping force.
The AS/NZS 1576.2 (Couplers and accessories) gives guidance on the minimum testing criteria for the following couplers:
- Right-Angle Coupler
- Swivel Coupler
- End-to-End couplers (d.w.z. Friction Type Sleeve couplers)
- Parallel Coupler
- Putlog Coupler
- Putlog Blade
- Check Coupler
- Adjustable Leg / Adjustable Baseplate / Adjustable Swivel Baseplate
- Flange Clamp
- Plain Pintle Castor
- Adjustable Castor
In order to get the working load limit (WLL) the minimum testing forces required to pass the standard should be reduced by a factor of safety. The AS / NZS 1576.2 does not explicitly specify the safety of factor except for Adjustable Legs / Baseplates in which a factor of safety of 2.5 is used and for Right-Angle couplers and Swivel couplers for slip resistance in which a factor of safety of 2 is gebruikt. We have considered a factor of safety of 2.0 for all couplers except bases which generally gives similar working load limits to the BS EN 12811-1:2003. For example a right-angle coupler has a slipping test force of 12.5 kN. We can then determine a minimum working load limit of 12.5/2 = 6.25 kN for right-angle couplers resisting a slipping force.
Where a manufacturer tests beyond the requirements of the standard they can achieve a higher working load limit for their product. For simplicity we have simply referred to the minimum requirements of the standard. When using the SkyCiv Scaffolding Design Software using the custom connection can allow a user to specify specific working load limits provided by a manufacturer for a connection.
Rechte hoekkoppeling
Right-angle couplers connect scaffolding tubes at exactly a 90-degree angle (Vandaar de naam) creating stable joints. Right-angle couplers are commonly used to connect vertical and horizontal scaffolding members.
Swivel coupler
The swivel coupler is similar to the right-angle coupler however allows swivelling rather than having a fixed 90 degree joint. This allows the scaffolding tubes to rotate independently when required and can be used for connecting bracing elements or non-rectangular arrangements within the scaffold structure.
End to End Couplers
End to end couplers join two scaffolding members together in a straight line. These can be placed externally to the scaffolding tube (friction type sleeve couplers, external sleeve couplers) or internally in the scaffolding tube (expanding joint pin couplers). These connections allow the transfer of moments between members and the transfer of compression forces however do not provide resistance in tension. Where tension transfer is required a spliced arrangement should be used instead.
Expanding Joint pin couplers work by fitting inside scaffolding and then expanding flush against the inside of the scaffolding tube.
Sleeve couplers sit outside the scaffolding tubes and are tightened to be flush against the outside of the scaffolding tube.
Parallelle koppeling
The parallel coupler is used to create a splice connection or lap connection between scaffolding tubes by connecting them in parallel. This type of connection can be used to transfer axial forces between scaffolding members.
Screw Jack
A screw jack has a thread that allows for an adjustable base for supporting vertical scaffolding members at the base of the scaffolding structure. By adjusting the screw jack, level scaffolding can be erected by the construction team even on uneven surfaces. The screw jack then supports the scaffolding structure by transferring compression and shear forces into the foundation.
Welke effectieve lengteparameters worden gebruikt in de steigerbelastbaarheidscalculator??
Round HSS sections or CHS sections are not susceptible to lateral-torsional buckling (buckling under bending) however they can buckle due to compressive forces. De SkyCiv Scaffolding Design Software takes a input for the effective length factor which is used in buckling calculations. Where the SkyCiv S3D integration for scaffolding software is used the effective length factors can be automatically generated based on the member restraints in the model.
Er is een geïntegreerde versie van de rekenmachine voor SkyCiv S3D beschikbaar om alle in aanmerking komende leden in de steigerontwerpmodule te importeren en alle steigerbelastingscontroles in één keer uit te voeren. The integration can automatically determine appropriate effective length factors based on the member restraints in the model. You can find out more about using the integration in our Scaffolding Design Tutorial in SkyCiv S3D.
Met welke belastingen moet rekening worden gehouden bij steigers??
Ingenieurs die aan steigersystemen werken, moeten deze zo ontwerpen dat ze bestand zijn tegen verschillende soorten belastingen, deze belastingen omvatten:
- Dode ladingen meestal van het gewicht van het steigersysteem zelf.
- Levende ladingen meestal van werknemers en apparatuur die op de steigers worden gebruikt.
- Windbelastingen afhankelijk van lokale omstandigheden en normen.
- Sneeuwladingen waar van toepassing en afhankelijk van lokale omstandigheden en normen.
- Seismische belastingen in gebieden die gevoelig zijn voor aardbevingen en afhankelijk van de lokale omstandigheden en normen.
Nadat de belastingen zijn bepaald door een gekwalificeerde bouwkundig ingenieur, kunnen ze worden toegepast in het ontwerpbelastingsgedeelte van de rekenmachine in de vorm van buiging, schuintrekken, en axiale kracht.
How does a scaffold Screw Jack Work?
A screw jack can resist compression and shear forces transferred through scaffolding and can then transfer the forces to the ground. A base plate is used to spread compression forces over a greater bearing area and a sole board is commonly placed under the base to gain additional bearing area and therefore increase bearing capacity. Bases often have holes for anchors that can be installed in a concrete blinding or foundation to help resist shear forces and prevent sliding of the scaffolding base.
The European Scaffolding Standard has a provision for the design of screw jacks located in Annex B.
The Australian Standard AS 1576.2 Sectie 4.3 discusses the minimum working load limit for steel and aluminium adjustable screw jacks.
Veel Gestelde Vragen
Welk eenheidssysteem wordt ondersteund?
Zowel metrische als imperiale eenheidssystemen zijn beschikbaar. Om eenheidsystemen te wijzigen, klikt u op het tandwiel linksboven in het invoerpaneel.
Met welke materiaaleigenschappen wordt rekening gehouden?
Met de steigerontwerptools kunnen gebruikers de volgende materiaaleigenschappen invoeren:
- Elasticiteitsmodulus
- Modulus van stijfheid
- Compressielimiet voor slankheid
- Opbrengststerkte van lid
- Ultieme kracht van het lid
Welke ontwerpcodes worden ondersteund?
De steigerontwerpsoftware ondersteunt het ontwerp van steigers volgens de volgende normen:
- AISC 360-16 Steigerontwerpsoftware.
- AS / NZS 1576 Steigerontwerpsoftware.
- BS EN 12811-1:2003 Steigerontwerpsoftware.
Deze opties zijn toegankelijk via het vlagpictogram bovenaan het linkerinvoerpaneel om de ontwerpstandaard te wijzigen.
Welke analyse wordt gebruikt om de weerstand van koppelingen te berekenen?
De steigerontwerpmodule bestaat uit de evaluatie van de capaciteiten van koppelingen op basis van de lineaire statische analyse van de onderdelen. Voor de Europese versie van de ontwerpcontrolekoppelingscapaciteiten zoals aangegeven in bijlage C van EN 12811.1 are used in combination with the required partial factors of safety. For the Australian version coupler testing requirements are given in AS 1576.2 and these values are used to determine the minimum working load limit of the fitting.
Wordt een steiger met basisvijzels ondersteund??
The European and Australian version of the tool supports scaffolding with base jacks. The US version of the tool does not currently support the design of scaffolding with base jacks.
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Over SkyCiv
SkyCiv biedt een breed scala aan Cloud Structurele Analyse en Ontwerp Software voor ingenieurs. Als een voortdurend evoluerend technologiebedrijf, zijn we toegewijd aan het innoveren en uitdagen van bestaande workflows om ingenieurs tijd te besparen in hun werkprocessen en ontwerpen.