Over ons

Wij geloven in betere software voor bouwkundig ingenieurs.

Software that constantly improves, gericht op efficiëntie en innovatie.

SkyCiv is a cloud-based provider of structural engineering software and APIs, established in 2013 door Paul Comino en Sam Carigliano. As a company founded by engineers, we are dedicated to creating a product that can adapt to the evolving needs of the profession. Our software has been utilized by engineers in over 160 landen, facilitating the completion of more than 8 miljoen projecten. Met kantoren in Sydney en Chicago, we operate in close-knit, dynamic teams with a shared goal of continually enhancing our software and delivering outstanding support to our users.

Bij SkyCiv, we hebben een simpele missie: to cater to the needs of engineers worldwide with our streamlined structural engineering software. As a continuously evolving company, SkyCiv is committed to innovation and challenging existing workflows to streamline engineers' processes and designs. All of our software is developed in-house by qualified structural and mechanical engineers with extensive programming skills, ensuring its quality and accuracy. We offer a unique combination of cutting-edge technology and personalized customer support.


SkyCiv Timeline
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Landen die SkyCiv gebruiken
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