
SkyCiv 3D renderer is available to bring your models to 3D life. Use the SkyCiv Renderer to build your model and visualise the model to ensure the structure is built correctly, confirm member orientation and include in your reporting.

This client side renderer can be included in your applications so you can have a full rendering of your model in real-time. The viewer is fully functional on mobile and tablet devices.


Terms of Use: Copyright SkyCiv Pty Ltd 2024. The SkyCiv Renderer can be used in accordance with the following conditions:

Individual Use: Free to use, must retain SkyCiv logo

Commercial Use: Requires a licensed agreement with SkyCiv

Some of the functionality of this library includes:

  • Initialising the renderer
  • Updating your model data
  • Displaying Results
  • Mouse click events
  • Take screenshots

Getting Started#

The following provides a walkthrough of how to set up the SkyCiv Renderer.

Renderer file#

The following versions of the renderer are available:

Which one?#

If the file will be hosted locally in the project, then choose the file with the latest version.

If the src of the html script element is set to one of the above urls, then it is also a good idea to select the file with the latest version.

The files with a version number will never change. The file named skyciv-renderer-dist.js will always be the latest version.

Add the renderer file to the project#

Simply add the s3d-renderer.js file to your project to then include it as a script in your HTML file. Create a div with an id of renderer-container.

Sample code of the HTML file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>SkyCiv Renderer</title>
<script src="/path/to/skyciv-renderer-dist.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/initRenderer.js"></script>
style="width: 100%; height: 500px; position: relative;"


const viewer = new SKYCIV.renderer({
container_selector: '#renderer-container',
const s3d_model = {}; // Create an s3d_model

This will initialize the viewer Object and display the following in the container assuming that the s3d_model variable is a valid object.

Test our Renderer

Viewer Methods#

The following methods are available via the viewer variable created in the sample code above. The viewer variable is an instance of SKYCIV.renderer which will often be referred to as viewer throughout the documentation.


Function: viewer.setMode(mode)

Description: Sets the viewer mode.

Params: The mode parameter can either be model or results.

Sample code for viewer.setMode
function setViewerMode() {


Function: viewer.setView(view, custom_camera_position, zoom_factor)

Description: Sets the view angle.

Params: The view parameter can be custom, top, bottom, front, back, left, right, top_front_left, back_left, etc...

Sample code for viewer.setView
function setViewAngle() {
// Set the camera position
S3D.renderer.setView('custom', { x: 10, y: 30, z: 0 });
// Set a predefined view
// Set a predefined view, with a zoom factor
S3D.renderer.setView('front', null, 2);


Function: viewer.render(callback, dont_call_model_update)

Description: Render the current state. Changes are not visible until this is called.

Params: The callback function to run one the render completes and whether the viewer.model.update function should be called on completion - this defaults to true.

Sample code for viewer.render
function renderModel() {
viewer.render(function () {
console.log('Render completed');
}, false);


Function: viewer.refresh()

Description: Refreshes the render completely (rebuilds the structure and renders again).

Params: none

Sample code for viewer.refresh
function refreshRenderer() {


Function: viewer.clear()

Description: Clear the render completely.

Params: none

Sample code for viewer.clear
function clearRenderer() {


Function: viewer.screenshot.get(args)

Description: Gets screenshot and returns the base64 data of the image in the callback.

Params: Arguments object. See sample.

Sample code for viewer.screenshot.get
function getScreenshot() {
axis: true,
background: 'white',
callback: function (data) {


Description: Saves screenshot to device.

Params: Arguments object. See sample.

Sample code for
function saveScreenshot() {{
axis: true,
background: 'white',
filename: 'my_screenshot.png',
Try Me!


Function: viewer.settings.get()

Description: Get the current renderer settings.

Params: none

Sample code for viewer.settings.get
function getSettings() {


Function: viewer.settings.set(settings_object)

Description: Update the renderer settings.

Params: Settings object. See sample.

Sample code for viewer.settings.set
function setSettings() {
colors: true,
opacity: 1,
visibility: {
logo: true,
floor: false,
nodes: false,
members: true,
plates: true,
plates_mesh: false,
global_origin_axis: false,
global_axis: true,
local_axis: false,

Viewer Click Events#

The following methods can be found under the viewer.mouse property.


Function: viewer.mouse.enable()

Description: Enable mouse interaction (on by default).

Params: none

Sample code for viewer.mouse.enable
function enableMouse() {


Function: viewer.mouse.selectedObject(object_type, id)

Description: Manually select/highlight an object in the scene.

Params: A string which accepts node, member or plate and the element ID as an integer.

Sample code for viewer.mouse.selectedObject
function selectModelElement() {
viewer.mouse.selectObject('plate', 3);


Function: viewer.mouse.getSelectedObjects(object_type)

Description: Get all selected elements in the scene. Specify type to only select a specific type. Provide no arguments to get all types.

Params: A string which accepts node, member or plate.

Sample code for viewer.mouse.getSelectedObjects
function getSelected() {


Function: viewer.mouse.setOnObjectClickFunction(function)

Description: Function to call when clicking/selecting an object.

Params: The callback function to execute.

Sample code for viewer.mouse.setOnObjectClickFunction
function setOnClickFunction() {
viewer.mouse.setOnObjectClickFunction(function (data) {
console.log('You have an clicked Element: ', data);
const element_id =;
const type = data.type; // ("member", "node", "plate")