The S3D.results
namespace provides post-processing functions to read and interpret analysis results produced by S3D.model.solve
Used to get the analysis results.
Key | Type | Accepts | Description | Default |
lc_filter | [string] | envelope , load_case , load_group , load_combo , envelope_abs_max | Only return specific data in the response. You can also provide names you have applied to load combination. E.g. LC1 . | All cases |
result_filter | [string] | reactions , member_displacements , member_forces , member_stresses , member_lengths , member_stations , member_discontinuities , member_minimums , member_maximums , member_peak_results , plate_displacements , plate_forces , plate_stresses , plate_minimums , plate_maximums , plate_peak_results , buckling , dynamic_frequency | Only return specific data in the response. | All results |
The analysis results will return an object of all load combination results in the following format.
Sets the results data for further processing.
Analysis results from any source can be used. Simply provide the data in the same format that is returned from S3D.results.get.md.
Key | Type | Description |
analysis_results | object | Results of a structural analysis (from S3D.results.get ) |
The response will confirm whether or not the model was successfully set.
Fetches results data for a particular member.
Key | Type | Accepts | Description | Default |
member_id | integer | An integer | Fetch the results of the member with this ID. A value of null will return all. | |
LC | [integer] | An array of integers | Load combinations to include. An empty array will return all load combinations. | |
res_key | string | bmd_z , bmd_y , axial , sfd_y , sfd_z , top_bending_stress_z , top_bending_stress_y ,btm_bending_stress_z , btm_bending_stress_y , shear_stress_z , shear_stress_y , displacement , displacement_x , displacement_y , displacement_z | The type of results to be returned. | |
type | string | array , x,y , image | Format of results.
- Array
- X-Y
- Image
If "type": "image"
is provided, then an image will be returned in base64 format.
Generates a structural analysis report and returns a download link to retrieve the report.
and S3D.model.solve
must be executed earlier in the session for the Analysis Report to be generated.
VariablesKey | Type | Accepts | Description | Default |
job_name | string | Any string. | The name of your project. This will be used as the analysis report name. | |
file_type | string | pdf , txt | The report format to be returned. | |
load_combinations | [integer] | An array of integers or strings | An array of load combination IDs or load combination names to report on. Users can also use shortcuts like load_combination = "all" or load_combination = "envelope" to only filter these. | |
sections | object | Key-value pairs | The different type of analysis results to include in your report (see below). | |
timezone | number | Any number | UTC offset of the timezone used for the time on the title page. For example Sydney, Australia would be 10 as it is GMT+10. |
The function will return links to download and preview your analysis report in the format specified by the file_type
Returns dynamic frequency analysis results, including modes, frequencies, periods, modal masses, and mass particpation percentages.
Note: A dynamic frequency analysis needs to be run using S3D.model.solve, before calling this function.
Sample Input:
Sample Response: