
This namespace provides access to general session information.


Description: Contains general information about the current user. Helpful to automatically populate user information for reports.

Access: get

Object properties:

first_namestringThe user's first name.
last_namestringThe user's last name.
emailstringThe user's email.
usernamestringThe user's username.
companyObjectInformation about the user's company.
settingsObjectPreferred settings of the user.


S3D.info.user = {
first_name: 'Sam',
last_name: 'Comino',
username: '[email protected]',
company: {
name: 'SkyCiv Cloud Engineering Software',
settings: {
units: 'metric',
s3d_vertical_axis: 'Z',


Description: Contains information about the current file.

Access: get

Object properties:

namestringThe name of the current file open in S3D.
pathstringThe path of the current file open in S3D.


S3D.info.file = {
name: 'north-lifting-beam',
path: 'job-15324',


Description: Contains the settings for the current S3D instance.

Access: get


In some cases, an integer value should be set to desired - 1 as it needs to coincide with the dropdown index value.

E.g: S3D.info.settings.evalPoints = 9 - 1 will set the evaluation points setting to 9 even though it will be set as 8 in the settings object.


S3D.info.settings = {
analysis_types: {
dynamic_frequency: false,
linear_buckling: false,
linear_static: true,
non_linear_static: false,
response_spectrum: false,
'auto-stabilize-model': false,
auto_run_optimizer: true,
background_color: 'default',
bmdConvention: false,
bucklingShape: false,
buckling_johnson: false,
buckling_modes: '1',
decPlaces: 3,
displayElementLabel: true,
displayLoadLabel: true,
displayMeshLabels: false,
displayNodeLabel: true,
displayNodes: true,
displayPlateLabel: false,
displayResultLabel: true,
displayResultUnit: true,
displaySupportLabel: true,
display_nodal_masses: true,
display_rigid_links: true,
dynamic_frequency_vertical_cutoff: '',
dynamic_mass_control: 'lumped',
dynamic_modes: '10',
eigenvalue_analysis_method: 'lanczos',
envelope_alternate_method: true,
equivalent_area_loads: false,
evalPoints: 8,
faintElements: false,
generalRestraintCode: 'RRRRRR',
graphics_font_size: '3',
ignore_load_cases: false,
ignore_load_groups: false,
include_inner_members_for_two_way_area_loads: false,
include_rigid_links_for_area_loads: false,
limit_custom_value: '200',
limit_deflection_span: '250',
limit_settings_on: true,
limit_settings_option: 'yield',
limit_state_isolation: false,
load_labels: true,
localAxes: false,
local_axes_plate_mesh: false,
member_offsets_axis: 'local',
'non-linear-pDelta-effect': true,
'non-linear-pdelta-effect': true,
'non-linear-shortening-effect': false,
'non-linear-theory': 'small',
'non-linear-tolerance': '1',
only_solve_user_defined_load_combinations: false,
'plate-stress-smoothing': true,
'projection-system': 'orthographic',
proportional_loads: true,
showElements: true,
showOriginAxes: false,
showPlateMesh: true,
showPlateMeshNodes: false,
showPlates: true,
showSectionLegend: true,
smooth_diagrams: true,
solverTimeout: 600,
units: {
density: 'kg/m3',
force: 'kn',
length: 'm',
mass: 'kg',
material_strength: 'mpa',
moment: 'kn-m',
pressure: 'kpa',
section_length: 'mm',
stress: 'mpa',
translation: 'mm',
vertical_axis: 'Y',