
This library provides methods to retrieve particular model elements based on certain criteria.

All grouping code snippets within use the model pictured below.



Description: Get all nodes at the specified extreme of the model.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.nodes.byExtremes(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
directionstring+x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z.Direction of the extreme to get.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of Node IDs.If omitted, all nodes in the structure will be checked.
tolfloatAny normal number.If the tolerance is 1, and the model length units are in ft, then any nodes within 1ft of the extreme are returned. Defaults to 1e-6.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
const xExtremeNodes = S3D.grouping.nodes.byExtremes({
structure: model,
direction: '+x',
tol: 0.01,
const zxExtremeNodes = S3D.grouping.nodes.byExtremes({
structure: model,
direction: '+z',
unfiltered_ids: xExtremeNodes,
// xExtremeNodes: [3, 4, 7, 8]
// zxExtremeNodes: [3, 4]


Description: Get all nodes that are attached to members that have the specified attribute.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.nodes.byMemberProp(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
propstringA member property.The member property to check.
valueAnyAny value.The value that the member property should be.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of member IDs.Only return members if their ID is included in this array.


const structure = S3D.structure.get();
prop: 'type',
value: 'cable',
// [9, 2, 3, 5, 7]


Description: Get all nodes that are attached to specified members.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.nodes.byMember(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
member_ids[integer]An array of member IDs.Get the node IDs of these members.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of node IDs.Only return node IDs if their ID is included in this array.


const structure = S3D.structure.get();
member_ids: [3, 9],
// [3, 4, 7]



Description: Get all members that are attached to any of the given nodes.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.members.byNodes(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
node_ids[integer]An array of node IDs.If the member uses one of these nodes, it will be included.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of member IDs.Only return members if their ID is included in this array.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members attached to node 4.
structure: model,
node_ids: [4],
unfiltered_ids: null,
// [3, 8, 12]
// Get all members attached to either nodes 4 or 8.
structure: model,
node_ids: [4, 8],
unfiltered_ids: null,
// [3, 8, 12, 7, 11]
// Only get member 12 if it is attached to nodes 4 or 8.
structure: model,
node_ids: [4, 8],
unfiltered_ids: [12],
// [12]


Description: Get all members that have the given section name.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.members.bySecName(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
sectionstringThe section name.All members using this section name will be returned.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of member IDs.Only return members if their ID is included in this array.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members with the section name "HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/8".
structure: model,
section: 'HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/8',
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
// Get all members with the section name "0 x 0".
structure: model,
section: '0 x 0',
// [13, 14, 15, 16]
// Get members 5, 6 and 14 if the use the section name "HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/8".
structure: model,
section: 'HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/8',
unfiltered_ids: [5, 6, 14],
// [5, 6]


Description: Get all members that conform to a specified vector.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.members.byVector(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
vector[float]An X,Y and Z value to define a vector.All members using this section name will be returned.
unfiltered_ids[integer]Only return members if their ID is included in this array.
tolfloatA float representing degrees.If the angle between the vector and any member is below or equal to this value, it will be returned. Defaults to 1e-6


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that extend in the X direction.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
vector: [1, 0, 0],
// [2, 6, 11, 12]
// To get the inclined member 13.
// Node 2 coords are: [0, 0.9, 0].
// Node 9 coords are: [1.15, 3, -0.95].
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
vector: [1.15, 2.1, -0.95],
// [13]


Description: Get all members at the specified extreme of the model.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.members.byExtremes(Object)

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
directionstring+x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z.Direction of the extreme to get.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of Node IDs.Only return members in this array. If omitted, all members in the structure will be checked.
both_nodes_on_extremebooleantrue, falseIf both of the member's nodes should be on the extreme. Defaults to false.
tolfloatAny normal number.If the tolerance is 1, and the model length units are in ft, then any members within 1ft of the extreme are returned. Defaults to 1e-6.


const structure = S3D.structure.get();
// Any members that touch the extreme tolerance
direction: '-x',
// [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15]
// Only members that have both ends within the extreme tolerance
direction: '-x',
both_nodes_on_extreme: true,
// [1, 4, 5, 10]
// Member 12 is 2.3ft so a tolerance of 2ft will get members 13 and 15 too.
direction: '-x',
both_nodes_on_extreme: true,
tol: 2,
// [1, 4, 5, 10, 13, 15]



Description: Get all elements that have the specified attribute.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byAttr(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
keystringAny key inside the iterable objects.The key to check of each object in the type array.
valueAnyAny value.The value to match to the key defined above.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that have a "type" attribute equal to cable.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'elements',
key: 'type',
value: 'cable',
// [13, 14, 15, 16]


Description: Get all elements inside a 2D plane. Polygon can be convex or concave. By default it is assumed convex unless specified otherwise. If convex then extra processing is required to triangulate the polygon.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byBounds(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
node_ids[integer]Nodes IDs to define a 2D polygon.The key to check of each object in the type array.
tolfloatAny normal number.The tolerance to include members outside the polygon.
concavebooleantrue or false.Whether the polygon is concave or convex. Defaults true.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members inside the 2D triangular polygon defined by nodes 1, 4 and 6.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'elements',
node_ids: [1, 4, 6],
tol: null,
concave: true,
// [10, 12]


Description: Get all elements that use a node that has a location that meets the specified criteria.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byCoord(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
comparisonstringless than, equals to, greater than.The type of comparison to use when checking a node.
planestringx, y or z.The plane which to compare in.
valuefloatAny float.The coordinate to use in the comparison.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that contain a node that has an x coordinate less than 1.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'elements',
comparison: 'less than',
plane: 'x',
value: 1,
// [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15]
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'elements',
comparison: 'greater than',
plane: 'y',
value: 1,
// [13, 14, 15, 16]


Description: Get all members that have the given material name.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byMaterial(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
material_namestringThe material name.All elements using this material will be returned.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that use the material named "cable material".
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'elements',
material_name: 'cable material',
// [13, 14, 15, 16]


Description: Get all elements that are in the specified plane.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byPlane(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
node_ids[integer]Three node IDs that define a plane.If an element lies in this plane it will be returned.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that lie in the plane defined by nodes 1, 4, 6.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'members',
node_ids: [1, 4, 6],
// [8, 10, 11, 12]


Description: An extension of the byPlane method which returns the element IDs and the perpendicular vector.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.general.byPlaneDetailed(Object)

Object properties:

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
unfiltered_ids[integer]An array of element IDs.Only return elements if their ID is included in this array.
typestringnodes, members, materials, supports, etc.The child array of the structure object to search.
node_ids[integer]Three node IDs that define a plane.If an element lies in this plane it will be returned.


const model = S3D.structure.get();
// Get all members that lie in the plane defined
// by nodes 1, 4, 6 and the perpendicular vector.
structure: model,
unfiltered_ids: null,
type: 'members',
node_ids: [1, 4, 6],
"ids": [8, 10, 11, 12],
"perp_vec": [0, 1, 0]

Auto Grouping#


Description: Members can be automatically grouped by similar attributes. The method takes two parameters - the first parameter is the structure object and the second is a settings object.

Operation Type: Synchronous

Params: S3D.grouping.autoGrouping.members(Object)

structureObjectThe structure object.This can be obtained via S3D.structure.get().
settingsObjectAn object of key value pairs. See example below.Attributes to group by.

Sample input:

S3D.grouping.autoGrouping.members(model, {
material: false,
direction: false,
length: true,
section: false,
auto_update: true,
group_single_member: false,

Sample output:

criterias: [
{length: "0.90" },
{ length: "2.30" },
{ length: "1.90" },
{ length: "2.58" }],
groups: [
{ name: "", IDs: [1, 3, 5, 7], type: "Members" },
{ name: "", IDs: [2, 6, 11, 12], type: "Members" },
{ name: "", IDs: [4, 8, 9, 10], type: "Members" },
{ name: "", IDs: [13, 14, 15, 16], type: "Members" },