自上次首次发布以来 2019, S有很多更新kyCiv 基础设计模块. 今年, 我们很高兴地宣布我们的平台上现在可以使用新的和改进的用户界面. 从旧的 2D 图形, we upgraded to 3D for better visualization of the actual foundation layout. 用户可以调整基础和立柱尺寸, 土壤高度, 地下水, 负载, and reinforcements and automatically see it on the 3D renderer. 运行求解器时, 它还显示了独立和组合基础的土壤压力行为.

基础设计更新: 3D图形和CSA代码

数字 1: Isolated Footing UI Sample

在桩基础上也可以看到类似的 3D 图形. 相同的输入加上可见性设置,您可以在其中选择显示桩上的钢筋布局. 还有一个选项可以选择要显示的负载组合. For easier review of the substructure you are designing, 渲染器的左上角还提供了模型摘要数据.

基础设计更新: 3D图形和CSA代码

数字 2: Piles UI Sample

As seen on the images above, the new interface is now divided into two containers, the left containing the input tabs and the right for the 3D renderer. Almost all the input labels remained the same from the old UI besides some new information tips. The renderer, 另一方面, projects a better three-dimensional figure for the foundation, 列, and soil. Users can set different views and toggle some options in the visibility setting to either hide or unhide some objects. Concrete opacity can also be modified to improve the image render of the foundation. Whatever the purpose is, this renderer surely improves the design presentation and user experience.

A few minor improvements on file access and the calculation report are also worth to be mentioned in this update. This includes faster access to existing projects through the modal popup which is seen directly after entering the foundation software and the inclusion of the maximum critical load combination on the load tabulation for shallow foundation design.

最后, another major update is the addition of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) A23.3-14码. 此代码一直是我们用户要求最多的设计代码之一. It targets to cater for the needs of Canadian engineers involved in foundation design. 在这次更新中, users can select either isolated or combined footing types. Like the previous design codes available, calculations for this new standard also include flexure, one-way and two-way shear, development length, and bearing strength checks.

Watch out for the CSA pile foundation design in our upcoming releases.


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