SkyCiv is excited to launch our new Quick Design module! 如果您最近访问过 SkyCiv 仪表板,您可能会注意到我们的快速设计图块, featuring a library of new design tools. 快速设计是一种通过直观的方式快速完成世界各地标准设计​​检查的新方法, easy-to-use interface.


SkyCiv Quick Design 是一个超过 50 calculators based on US, 澳洲人, 加拿大人, and European standards. In addition to design tools, Quick Design offers a core set of basic analysis tools that are valuable for every structural engineer. This library is continuously expanding, with our engineers constantly working to enhance the range of tools available in this comprehensive engineering toolbox.

所有 SkyCiv 快速设计工具均旨在通过简单的用户界面让用户轻松进行工程设计, 内置报告和云文件存储. 如果您需要完成多项检查,那么我们的批量运行选项卡允许您一次完成多项检查. Each design tool is also validated against known values to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

How to get started with Quick Design?

All users have access to Quick Design. Free users can enjoy some limited access (without reporting, some inputs blocked) whereas Paid Professionals can enjoy all the benefits of the full software with no limitations.

要启动快速设计库,请首先访问 SkyCiv 仪表板并向下滚动到“快速设计”磁贴. 出现的库启动器将让您滚动浏览我们的工具库, view all tools for a region’s standard or even search for a particular tool you are after.

Quick Design Library Demo Gif一旦你找到了你喜欢的工具, 打开它并熟悉布局. 运行按钮位于屏幕右上角,而输入面板始终位于左侧. 填写您想要的输入, click run and your results will appear on the left.

Quick Desig Calc Demo

您将在屏幕中间找到计算器报告. You can download a PDF version of this or even a simple one page summary report. 批处理运行选项卡允许您一次运行多个求解. 您可以查看下面的一些示例报告.

What’s in the library of 50+ calculators?

SkyCiv 快速设计库始终在不断成长和改进. 想确切地知道图书馆包含哪些内容? Take a look for yourself below using our live library launcher:

Request a calculator

我们一直在寻求发展和改进我们的工具库. 如果您找不到对特定标准或工具的支持,那么欢迎您使用我们的 功能请求板 建议新工具.

Custom build your own calculator

SkyCiv also offers the development of customized Quick Design tools that we can develop for your business to help with engineering automation or even as marketing tools for your clients. 拿着它 Sandbox Solar 的案例研究 as an example whose solution has saved thousands in engineering review time and fees. 如果您对定制​​快速设计解决方案感兴趣,或者甚至想探索构建自己的计算器的可能性,请联系我们.



SkyCiv Quick Design is designed to be a one-stop engineering toolbox for engineers. 想了解更多? 访问我们的 Quick Design page or get access to the module today to experience how it can transform your entire workflow!

Get Access Now
Jake Roeleven Software Engineer
杰克·罗尔文(Jake Roeleven)
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