SkyCiv 刚刚发布了他们的最新更新,其中包括 自定义报告 in PDF format for SkyCiv Structural 3D and SkyCiv Beam. Included in this update is the ability to generate Single Member Reports using SkyCiv Structural 3D. 基本上, you can build a 3D structure and export single member analysis reports in a clean and easy format.

[拉引号对齐="对" 颜色="黑色的"][谷歌字体="流沙" 大小="16像素" 保证金="20像素 0 10像素 0" 颜色="黑色的"]"Generate SkyCiv Beam Results using SkyCiv Structural 3D"[/谷歌字体][/引用]

We have had a lot of amazing feedback regarding the clean, simple result output from SkyCiv Beam. So we decided to add this functionality to Structural 3D! You can now export clean, graphical analysis of each member in your structures! The reports are generated in PDF format so the document can be printed and shared easily. This feature is currently in BETA and has been released to everyone to try!

So what is Single Member Reporting exactly? 好, you know how traditional analysis reports spit out pages of numbers and results? SkyCiv's single member reports avoid this by delivering a single page analysis for each member. What you get is a one page member summary of all the results and graphs in a clean and concise manner. All your member analysis on a single page. Simple and clean.

The following is an example of a Single Member Report of an Engine Crane - focussing on the critical axial member:

使用 SkyCiv 结构 3D 生成的结构分析页面示例

The single member report has unlimited applications, many engineers use it for certification/design requirements. 例如, a certifying engineer may require you to show the stress concentrations and/or section and material properties of each member of a structure. This report allows you to display a number of stress graphs, a stress summary table and a screenshot of the Section Properties in a matter of seconds! This allows you to free your time up by not having to develop such complex reports. Click here for more examples of How SkyCiv Single Member Reports are useful.

Sam Carigliano SkyCiv首席执行官兼联合创始人
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