

new Plates()

Creates an instance of the SkyCiv Plates class.




(static) add(nodesopt, thickness, material_id, rotZ, type, offset, diaphragm, membrane_thickness, shear_thickness, bending_thickness, state, holesopt)

Create a plate with the next available ID.

Name Type Attributes Description
nodes Array.<number> <optional>

An array of node IDs that define the plate. At least 3 IDs are required.

thickness number

Plate thickness.

material_id number

The ID of the material to use for the plate.

rotZ number

Rotation about the z-axis.

type "auto"

Auto will consider shear deformation when the plate thickness is sufficient.

offset number

Offset of the plate along its local z-axis.

diaphragm "no" | "rigid"

If the plate is a diaphragm.

membrane_thickness number

The membrane thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

shear_thickness number

The shear thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

bending_thickness number

The bending thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

state "stress" | "strain"

Denotes whether the plate is in a state of plane stress or plane strain.

holes Array.<number> <optional>

An array of node IDs. Used to define holes in the plate.


(static) getPlateIdsFromNodesIds(nodes)

Get the IDs of all plates that match the provided nodes array. Node order IS considered.

Name Type Description
nodes Array.<number>

An array of node IDs that define the plate. At least 3 IDs are required.
