

new Plate(nodesopt, thickness, material_id, rotZ, type, offset, diaphragm, membrane_thickness, shear_thickness, bending_thickness, state, holesopt, isMeshed)

Creates an instance of the SkyCiv Plate class.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
nodes Array.<number> <optional>

An array of node IDs that define the plate. At least 3 IDs are required.

thickness number

Plate thickness.

material_id number

The ID of the material to use for the plate.

rotZ number 0

Rotation about the z-axis.

type "auto" auto

Auto will consider shear deformation when the plate thickness is sufficient.

offset number 0

Offset of the plate along its local z-axis.

diaphragm "no" | "rigid" no

If the plate is a diaphragm.

membrane_thickness number null

The membrane thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

shear_thickness number null

The shear thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

bending_thickness number null

The bending thickness to be used. Takes the value of thickness if null.

state "stress" | "strain" stress

Denotes whether the plate is in a state of plane stress or plane strain.

holes Array.<number> <optional>

An array of node IDs. Used to define holes in the plate.

isMeshed boolean false

Indicates whether the plate is already meshed.
