

new Member(node_A, node_B, section_id, fixity_A, fixity_B, type, cable_length, rotation_angle, offset_Ax, offset_Ay, offset_Az, offset_Bx, offset_By, offset_Bz)

Creates an instance of the SkyCiv Member class.

Name Type Default Description
node_A number

The ID of the start node.

node_B number

The ID of the end node.

section_id number

The ID of the section that should be applied to the member.

fixity_A string FFFFFF

See docs for restraint code Defaults to 'FFFFFF'.

fixity_B string FFFFFF

See docs for restraint code Defaults to 'FFFFFF'.

type "normal" | "normal_continuous" | "cable" | "rigid" normal

Defaults to 'normal'.

cable_length number null

Required only when type = cable. Defaults to null.

rotation_angle number 0

Rotation of the member about its own axis, in degrees.

offset_Ax number 0

The local x distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node A.

offset_Ay number 0

The local y distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node A.

offset_Az number 0

The local z distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node A.

offset_Bx number 0

The local x distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node B.

offset_By number 0

The local y distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node B.

offset_Bz number 0

The local z distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node B.
