

new SelfWeight(enabled, x, y, z, LG)

Creates an instance of the SkyCiv SelfWeight class.

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false

If the self-weight is applied to the model or not.

x number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the x-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

y number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the y-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

z number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the z-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

LG string SW1

The load group that the self-weight belongs to.




Disables the instance of self-weight.


enable(x, y, z, LG)

Enables self-weight with provided gravity multipliers.

Name Type Default Description
x number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the x-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

y number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the y-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

z number 0

Acceleration due to gravity in the z-axis, defined as a multiplier of the gravitational constant g.

LG string

The load group that the self-weight belongs to. Defaults to existing value.
