

new Moment(type, node, member, position, x_mag, y_mag, z_mag, load_group)

Creates an instance of the SkyCiv Moment class

Name Type Default Description
type "n" | "m"

The type of object to which the load is applied. node, member.

node number null

The node ID which the moment is located. If type is "m", provide value null.

member number null

The member ID which the moment is located. If type is "n", provide value null.

position number null

The percentage from node_A to node_B of the member which the moment is located. E.g. 10 for 10%. If type is "n", provide value null.

x_mag number 0

The magnitude of the moment about the x-axis. Positive = counter-clockwise, negative = clockwise.

y_mag number 0

The magnitude of the moment about the y-axis. Positive = counter-clockwise, negative = clockwise.

z_mag number 0

The magnitude of the moment about the z-axis. Positive = counter-clockwise, negative = clockwise.

load_group string null

The load group to which the moment will be grouped.

const nodeLoad = new Moment('n', 1, null, null, 0, -5, 0, 1);
const memberLoad = new Moment('m', null, 3, 30, 0, -5, 0, 1);