Sample Auto Designer

Input fields go here. Your inputs can be completely customized.

Array Specification

Duty Classification:
Module Width:
Module Length:
Number of Rows:
Number of Columns:
Total Number of Modules:
Desired Tilt Angle:
Front Edge Clearance:
Total Array Height at Tilt:
Total Frame Length:
Frame Weight:
Array Dimensions N/S:
Array Dimensions E/W:
Rail Length:
Rail Check:

Support Specifications

Pole Size:
Pole Length above Grade:
Number of Poles:
Pole Spacing:

Foundation Specifications

Foundation Type:
Foundation Dimensions:
Foundation Depth (below grade):
Foundation Volume:
Foundation Result:

Design Disclaimer

This software should be used for preliminary designs and should not be used as a final design unless reviewed, verified and designed by a qualified structural engineer.

Credits Used
Frame Weight
Foundation Volume

`; SkyCivConfigurator.init({ heading: "SkyCiv Solar AutoDesigner", msg: "Fill out the fields below to design your own custom MT Solar Frame, complete with accurate engineering checks.", html_id: "#main-container", company_id: "SKY_SOLAR", core_html: core_html, logo: "", auth: { username: "", key: "sZFl0x6w7iq53bub7sFzhpZuDVMiPJEyVNNaXN6Kb5DfuJl5RIuUTnzK6HwKx4k6" }, design_codes: { steel_member: "AISC_360-16_LRFD", foundation: "IBC" //ACI }, admin_key: "H34JDSA872BDQ28FEH", save_load_btns: true, order_form: { to_email: "", title: "Order Form", message: "

This form will send your design to our sales staff to assist you with your needs.

Fill out the following form to submit:

", fields: [ { name: "Name", type: "text" }, { name: "Email", type: "text" }, { name: "Contact Number", type: "number" }, { name: "Comments", type: "textarea" } ], orderFun: function () { } }, //section_library: ["American"],//leave null/false for no section library input_variables: { product_type: { type: "radio", label: "Product Type", default: "Beam", options_simple: ["Beam", "Cyber"], }, project_id: { type: "text", label: "Project ID", default: project_id, run_change: false, //true by default }, site_address: { start_here: "Start here by entering in a site location. For instance, Chicago, IL.", type: "text", label: "Installation Address", info: "Enter in a site address, city or Point of interest to calculate and test for required wind and snow pressures, as per ASCE 7-16 (US addresses only)", run_change: false, //true by default // button: { // text: "Check Site", // clickFun: function () { // jQuery("[des-inp-key='site_address'").addClass("loading"); // SkyCivConfigurator.loading.getSiteInfo() // } // } }, module_width: { type: "number", label: "Module Width", units: "in", info: "The width of each solar module in inches.", default: 40, min: 24, max: 52 }, module_length: { type: "number", label: "Module Length", info: "The length of each individual solar module in inches.", units: "in", default: 65, min: 40, max: 96 }, number_rows: { type: "dropdown", label: "No. Rows", info: "The number of module rows.", options: [ { value: 2, name: 2 }, { value: 3, name: 3 }, { selected: true, value: 4, name: 4 }, { value: 5, name: 5 }, { value: 6, name: 6 } ] }, number_columns: { type: "number", label: "No. Columns", info: "The number of module columns.", default: 3, min: 2, max: 20 }, /* CYBER PARAMS */ pole_mount_section: { type: "dropdown", label: "Mount Pole Size", options: [ { selected: true, value: "4_40", name: "4 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "4_80", name: "4 Inch Sch. 80" }, { value: "6_40", name: "6 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "6_80", name: "6 Inch Sch. 80" }, ] }, core_pipe_width: { type: "number", label: "Pivot Pipe Width", info: "The length of the pipe member.", units: "in", default: 65, min: 45, max: 72 }, core_pipe_section: { type: "dropdown", label: "Pivot Pipe Section", options: [ { selected: true, value: "2_40", name: "2 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "2_80", name: "2 Inch Sch. 80" }, { value: "2.5_40", name: "2.5 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "2.5_80", name: "2.5 Inch Sch. 80" }, { value: "HSS2x2x1/8", name: "HSS2x2x1/8" }, { value: "HSS2x2x3/16", name: "HSS2x2x3/16" }, { value: "HSS2.5x2.5x1/8", name: "HSS2.5x2.5x1/8" }, { value: "HSS2.5x2.5x3/16", name: "HSS2.5x2.5x3/16" } ] }, adjuster_section: { type: "dropdown", label: "Adjuster Section", options: [ { selected: true, value: "2_40", name: "2 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "2_80", name: "2 Inch Sch. 80" } ] }, core_beam_height: { type: "number", label: "N/S Beam Length", info: "The length of the diagonal beam member.", units: "in", default: 65, min: 48, max: 72 }, core_beam_section: { type: "dropdown", label: "N/S Beam Section", options: [ { selected: true, value: "HSS3x2x1/8", name: "HSS3x2x1/8" }, { value: "HSS3x2x3/16", name: "HSS3x2x3/16" }, { value: "HSS3x2x1/4", name: "HSS3x2x1/4" } ] }, main_pipe_section: { type: "dropdown", label: "Rail Support Section", options: [ { selected: true, value: "2_12GA", name: "2 Sch 12GA" }, { value: "2_10GA", name: "2 Sch 10GA" }, { value: "2_40", name: "2 Inch Sch. 40" }, { value: "2_80", name: "2 Inch Sch. 80" } ] }, tilt_angle: { type: "number", label: "Desired Tilt Angle", info: "The desired angle of your solar panel, taken from horizontal.", default: 30, units: "°", min: 5, max: 85 }, ground_clearance: { type: "number", label: "Front Edge Ground Clearance", info: "The distance from the floor to the centrepoint of the bottom beam under rotation.", units: "ft", default: 5 }, risk_category: { type: "dropdown", label: "Risk Category", info: `

Category I - Buildings and other structures that represent a low risk to human life in the event of failure

Category II - All buildings and other structures except those listed in Risk Categories I, III, and IV

Category III - Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could pose a substantial risk to human life. Buildings and other structures, not included in Risk Category IV, with potential to cause a substantial economic impact and/or mass disruption of day-to-day civilian life in the event of failure

Category IV - Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities, Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could pose a substantial hazard to the community.

`, options_simple: ["I", "II", "III", "IV"], default: "I" }, exposure_category: { type: "dropdown", label: "Exposure", options_simple: ["B", "C", "D",], default: "C", info: '

B. Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single-family dwellings or larger.

C. Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet. This category includes flat open country, and grasslands.

D. Flat, unobstructed areas and water surfaces. This category includes smooth mud flats, salt flats and unbroken ice.' }, soil_type: { type: "dropdown", label: "Soil Classification", dont_reset_prompt: true, options: [ { value: "crystaline", name: "Crystaline Rock" }, { value: "sedimentary", name: "Sedimentary Rock" }, { selected: true, value: "sandy_gravel", name: "Sandy Gravel" }, { value: "sand", name: "Sand, Silty Sand" }, { value: "clay", name: "Clay, Sandy Clay" } ] }, foundation_type: { type: "radio", label: "Foundation Type", default: "Round", options_simple: ["Round", "Square"], dont_reset_prompt: true, }, foundation_size: { type: "number", label: "Foundation Size", default: 36, min: 18, units: "in", max: 36, step: 1, dont_reset_prompt: true, }, check_rails: { type: "checkbox", label: "Include Rails Check", run_change: false, //true by default default: true, //true by default }, } }); }); -->