
const { nextObjectKey } = require('../../../../utils/helpers');
const ModelCollectionComponent = require('../_Templates/ModelCollectionComponent');
const Support = require('./Support');

class Supports extends ModelCollectionComponent {
	 * @description Creates an instance of the SkyCiv Supports class.
	 * @extends ModelCollectionComponent
	constructor() {

	 * @description Create a support with the next available ID.
	 * @method add
	 * @memberof Supports
	 * @param {number} node The ID of the node at which the support is located.
	 * @param {string} restraint_code A 6 character restraint code. See docs for restraint code Defaults to 'FFFFFF'.
	 * @param {number} tx Spring stiffness for translation in the x-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in x = S.
	 * @param {number} ty Spring stiffness for translation in the y-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in y = S.
	 * @param {number} tz Spring stiffness for translation in the z-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in z= S.
	 * @param {number} rx Spring stiffness for rotation about the x-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about x = S.
	 * @param {number} ry Spring stiffness for rotation about the y-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about y = S.
	 * @param {number} rz Spring stiffness for rotation about the z-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about z = S.
	 * @returns The ID of the created support.
	add(node, restraint_code = 'FFFFFF', tx = 0, ty = 0, tz = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0) {
		const nextIndex = nextObjectKey(this);

		this[nextIndex] = new Support(node, restraint_code, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz);
		return nextIndex;

	// /**
	//  * @description OVERWRITES the support with the ID provided. USE THE `.add()` METHOD TO SAFELY CREATE A SUPPORT.
	//  * @method set
	//  * @memberof Supports
	//  * @param {number} id The ID of the support.
	//  * @param {number} node The ID of the node at which the support is located.
	//  * @param {string} restraint_code A 6 character restraint code. See docs for restraint code Defaults to 'FFFFFF'.
	//  * @param {number} tx Spring stiffness for translation in the x-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in x = S.
	//  * @param {number} ty Spring stiffness for translation in the y-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in y = S.
	//  * @param {number} tz Spring stiffness for translation in the z-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for translation in z= S.
	//  * @param {number} rx Spring stiffness for rotation about the x-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about x = S.
	//  * @param {number} ry Spring stiffness for rotation about the y-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about y = S.
	//  * @param {number} rz Spring stiffness for rotation about the z-axis. Applies only if the restraint code character for rotation about z = S.
	//  * @returns The ID of the created support.
	//  */
	// set(
	// 	id,
	// 	node,
	// 	restraint_code = 'FFFFFF',
	// 	tx = 0,
	// 	ty = 0,
	// 	tz = 0,
	// 	rx = 0,
	// 	ry = 0,
	// 	rz = 0
	// ) {
	// 	// Abort if no args
	// 	if (!id) return;

	// 	this[id] = new Support(node, restraint_code, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz);
	// 	return id;
	// }

	 * @description Find an supports's ID from the node ID which it is located.
	 * @method idFromNodeId
	 * @memberof Supports
	 * @param {number} node_id The node ID of the support to find.
	idFromNodeId(node_id) {
		let id = null;
		Object.entries(this).forEach(([k, v]) => {
			if (v.node === node_id) {
				id = k;
		return id;

module.exports = Supports;