
const { clone, nextObjectKey } = require('../../../../utils/helpers');
const ModelCollectionComponent = require('../_Templates/ModelCollectionComponent');
const LoadCombination = require('./LoadCombination');
const { LoadCombinationObject } = require('./LoadCombination');

class LoadCombinations extends ModelCollectionComponent {
	 * @description Creates an instance of the SkyCiv LoadCombinations class.
	 * @extends ModelCollectionComponent
	constructor() {

	 * @method add
	 * @description Adds a new load combination.
	 * @memberof LoadCombinations
	 * @param {string} name The name of the load combination.
	 * @param {LoadCombinationObject} combination_factors Key value pairs for the factors to apply to the load groups.
	 * @example
	 * const lcs = new LoadCombinations();
	 * const factors = {
	 *     SW: 1,
	 *     windCase: 1,
	 *     liveLoad: 1.5
	 * }
	 * lcs.add("LC1", factors)
	add(name, combination_factors) {
		const nextIndex = nextObjectKey(this);

		this[nextIndex] = new LoadCombination(name, combination_factors);
		return nextIndex;

	// /**
	//  * @method set
	//  * @description Sets a load combination by index.
	//  * @memberof LoadCombinations
	//  * @param {number} id The id of the load combination to overwrite.
	//  * @param {LoadCombinationObject} combination_factors Key value pairs for the factors to apply to the load groups.
	//  * @example
	//  *
	//  * const factors = {
	//  *     SW: 1,
	//  *     windCase: 1,
	//  *     liveLoad: 1.5
	//  * }
	//  *
	//  * lcs.set(2, factors) // Overwrite the third load combination in the list.
	//  */
	// set(id, name, combination_factors) {
	// 	// Abort if no args
	// 	if (!id) return;

	// 	this[id] = new LoadCombination(name, combination_factors);
	// 	return id;
	// }

module.exports = LoadCombinations;